Monday 14 December 2020

Kisses update


Having taken time out to think through ONE MILLION KISSES FOR OUR NHS I am revising the way things will work which I  would like here to share with you and ask you to become a part of what will happen.

This is NOT my project but OUR projecy.

First of all t hings have to be more simple for our hospitals. They are already under strain - now with the vaccine being rolled out that is going to add additional work - it is sadly likely that a third spike will hit the counbtry in the New Year.

Therefore, we need to let the hospitals get on with what they have to do and not give them
additional work via our project. I am going to update the website over the next day or so and will add a direct donation button to the HOSPITAL PAGE. If you check that out you can see the hospitals within the project but any su pporter can add another hospital.

As each book is published I will personally make a donation to a hospital. We then need to find as many supporters as possible who will also make a donation each time a book a book is published.

I am not looking to be paraded by the media but I do want the media to celebrate the kisses of love. Every day I will write a blog which I need supporters to share on social media in order to invite more people to blow their kisses. Every day on  the website there will be an update saying how many words I have written during the last twenty-four hours and how many books have been published.

At the end of each month there will be a newsletter published and sent to all hospitals.

For the moment we will forget world records and the Guiness Book of Records. We may pick that up later, perhaps in the summer. The original plan was to piublish 24 e-books on Amazon
and to write 1,000,000 words. Remember Barbra Cartlans published 23 books in a single year and shje does appear in the Guinness Book of Records. I am going to inbcreade my output t o a target of thirty books and atlease 1,000,000 words.

I have to update the BOOK PAGE on the website but starting tomnorrow I will blog a different title eacah day. As well as e-books titles with more than 35,000 words will also be available in paperback format.

Allow me to explain how the royalty system with Amazon words. First of all I pay tax at source so royalties are a net figure. I can select with Amazon royalties of 30% which puts an e-book out at 77p or 70% putting an e-book out at 99p. The price of a paperback depends on the num er of pages.

If I sell a book on 1st January royalties will be paid out on 29th March. I do sell books in different countries of the world so the money comes in over a few days in bits and pieces.

Selling books is not what this project is about, it is people making direct donations of kisses to hospitals. However, as books are sold I will be making anonymous donations of the royalties to hospitals. 

The first book to be published will be an updated and extended version of IN SEARCH OF THE LEONS.

I am not saying we shoukd turn our back on the media but I am saying we shoukld not rely on them. The media is fickle and has its own agenda. Also i do not want to paraded as a hero, this is NOT MY PROJECT IT IS OUR PROJECT. When I say OUR does that include you ?

Although I anm not a great advocat of social media it is far more powerful than radio, TV and newspapers.  To start things off I need YOU to share the need for kisses on social media. Please join THE SUNSHINE SMILE CREW and share all that is posted there.

In the New Year I will ask schools and different groups to help us in this way. The good causes I was involved in pre-pandemic are not operating so I am dedicating all of my time in 2021 to blowing kisses. That said I will continue
my work as a local councillor and as chairman of my local police community forum.

So that's the plan. WILL YOU BE A PART OF IT ?

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