Monday 7 December 2020

I am in danger of becoming a best selling author !

I am probably the most prolific UK Amazon writer, taking a break now until ye New Year but have published 600,000 words this year.

Now over the last week my sales have been looking good. That's great as we prepare for 2021 and one million kisses for our NHS.

So what would I recomend for you to read.

If you are an old boy like me you may like to try THE RAMBLINGS OF A SILLY OLD MAN. Very sarcastic. I hope a bit of fun.

Want to buy something for a kid this Christmas ?  Age 11+ to about 14 try PETER'S MAGIC FOUNTAIN PEN.

What is the best book, in my opinion, that I have ever written ?  I have no hesitation in saying THE BRIDGE HOUSE. This book took me almost two years to write.

This is a story where I took my paternal grandmother's life and wrote a fictional story around the times through which she lived. The problem is I tried to illustrate it, not only is Amazon not very clever at putting pictures into pages of text, while the e-book version is well priced the paperback price is expensive.

I have an idea which I need to rattle round in my head for a day ort so. Perhaps I should re-publish the novel minus the illustrations.

It could work.


Are you familiar with Oscar Wilde's play The Importance Ofd Being Earnest ? 

First performed on 14 February 1895 at the St James's Theatre in London it is a trivial comedy
for serious people. 

Yesterday the title for a book came intio my head - EARNIE The Wild Importance Of Being Such.

I have the title but what about the characters ?  What about a story line ?

How about a comedy about a comedy ?

Or perhaps I could ghost write a diary for Oscar Wilde.

I am going think this through.

I have juest ordered a DVD from e-bay of Oscar's play.

Back to The Bridge House which is full of music. That's no big surprise is it. Let's have something else from the story.

This is one of my favouirite stories. Centred on Bletchley Park where i lived for three years and for which I have a special affection.

I bring into the story my favourite painter - L S Lowry

Yes, there is a piece of music in the story. I was originally going t o call the story Lilly Marlene so this fits the story.

Fancy a bit of crime fiction ?  Then THE  CASE FILES OF DAVE McDERNOTT is the one for you.

I gave Dave another case to solve in THE LOTTERY OF EVIL

I am going to bring Dave McDernott out of retirement when I write a story set in  the garden of Agatha Christie's home Greenways - THE MURDER TREE.

LEONITES check out what a thoroughly naughty little boy I was at school with my autobiography THINGS WERE DIFFERENT IN MY DAY.

How many books have I sold in the last two days ?  Forty-Seven.

Hardly a best selling author am I ?

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