Sunday 6 December 2020

Three more kisses for our NHS


Yesterday I visited the home of Agatha Christie, I am not a fan of hers but I fell in love with where she lived, both the house and the beautiful parkland. A PARKLAND WHICH IS BIODIVERSITY HEAVEN.

Twenty-four hours ago I had ideas for 21 of the 24 books I need to write for our 2021 NHS KISSES PROJECT.

It was not Agatha who inspired me but her lovely home of Greenways on the banks of the River Dart in Devon which has given me three very clear ideas for the needed extra three titles.

I can not wait for Friday 1st January 2021 so I can start writing our 1,000,000 words to blow one million kisses to our NHS.

I took a photograph of a tree in Agatha's garden and have used it for the cover of this book.

The story begins in May 1941, I plan to publish the book on Amazon in May 2021, eighty years later.

A murder took place which for political reasons the authorities covered up. They wrapped what happened so tightly in The Official Secrets Act that the codebreakers of Bletchley Park would look like a tabloid front page,

I am going to bring my character Dave McDermot who appears in my stories:N THE CASE FILES OF DAVE McDERMOTT and THE LOTTERY OF EVIL. Dave has retired from the police at the rank of chief supoerintendent. His analytical skills are needed to re-open and solve the case.

I am going to book another holiday in Devon for May 2021 where I plan to sit in Agatha's garden, beside this tree, and write the concluding chapter.

During that holiday I plan to drive down to Cornwall and visit the home of  Daphne du Maurier. Among the books she wrote is, of course, Jamaica Inn. For a time this was owned by writer Alistaire Maclean, a teenage hero of mine who wrote The Guns of Navarone, Ice Station Zebra, Where Eagles Dare and more.

From that visit I am going to write my own story centred around The Jamaica Inn on Bodmin

Two down one to go.

By the pricing of my thumbs something wicked this way comes. Words from Shakespeare's Macbetrh.

When those words appear in the play Macbeth is a truly wicked person. However, at the start of the play he is a good man.

Fillet of a fenny snake, in the caudron boil and bake. Words from the early part of the play where three witches are cooking up an evil brew and curse.

The central character in my book will be a good and quietly successful person. However, a curse is placed upon him from which he uses the name FENNY and becomes a serial killer.

The work will be writtebn in the first person in the form of a diary.

No Agatha Christie I do not like the books you wrote but I just loved yesterday being where you lived. Greenways has filled me with inspiration.

Agatha Christie is still selling books every day, decades after her death. here are my sales for the month:

Hardly matching Agatha's sales which top one billion but I have to say I am quite pleased. Let's see what happens with THE MURDER TREE - THE JAMAICA INN and BY THE PRICKING OF MY THUMBS as we blow ONE MILLION KISSES OF LOVE FOR OUR NHS.

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