Thursday 29 November 2018

Let's make this a FANTASTIC FRIDAY...

It's FRIDAY....


Did you miss the last blog ?  CLICK HERE.

From that blog we now have two of the three people we need to prepare Santa's delivery to the three hospitals.

We play music to make people smile, be happy and to inspire support for good causes. We play music here on our blog, on our website, on YouTube, in the community and on the radio.

How about this for next week's THOUGHT FOR THE WEEK ?

Today I would like to take a look at the GOOD CAUSES we
support, some we would like to support and how we can move everything forward.

SUNDAY 13th January 3pm we are having a meeting to discuss many things including which good causes we support, how and why.

I may be The Geriatric DJ as a person but I am only the front man for The Geriatric DJ as a brand. Therefore, as I now make a list of good causes this list is only a starting point. It is up to the team and the Fan Club on our FACEBOOK PAGE to decide.

Ronald McDonald House Birmingham - that's where everything started and, obviously, I want it to continue.

Blood and organ donation with a wider love for the NHS.

The Food Bank.

The Homeless. We currently support Helping
MK Homeless but following the wonderful singing of MiniLibs we will probably be expanding this area.

We, of course, have our friendship with Sheffield Wednesday Football Club which we work with to support families with a child sick in hospital.

The Milton Keynes Soup Run.

I would like to add in an animal charity. Stewart has suggested Animals In Need Northamptonshire.

I would like to include The National Trust at Stowe.

I would also like to bring in an organisation I have found which loves drug addicts out of their hell and into a new life.

NINE good causes. There is NO WAY we could possibly cope with NINE organisations.


First of all SUPPORT does not always mean money.

THEN we set up the activities, the individual causes take and to use for themselves.

My original thinking was we should have one team member to link with each good cause, nine team members. I doubt we will find nine. BUT how about tipping everything on the head ?  Not only would this mean we could
take on EVERY good cause and even more BUT we would not need a team member.  How about we invite each good cause to link one of their volunteers to us. They come to us and ask for our help rather than our having a team member to offer. MORE EFFICIENT - MORE EFFECTIVE - YEH what do you think ?

Just one thing - everything began with Rebekah's smile and Ronald McDonald House. I would like personally to be the link guy for this good cause.



Being FRIDAY a new chart has been published. CLICK HERE.

This is the new number one.....

TOMORROW is 1st December, the start of ADVENT, we will begin our music ADVENT CALENDAR on YouTube. Each day the music will open on our website home page 

Here's a quick preview of the first window....

MONDAY - meeting with Maggie to discuss good causes

MONDAY - Watching Royal Ballet Nutcracker

SATURDAY - Car boot sale Irish centre

And a lot more to come no doubt !

CLICK HERE for the podcasts...

And a round up of this week's radio shows.....

WEDNESDAY 6am to 8am - LET'S INSPIRE - Step Into Christmas With The MiniLibs
THURSDAY 6am to 8am - WAKE UP WITH THE CLASSICS - Nutcracker Special

To listen go to and click on LISTEN

A new entry at number four in thew charts - could this be our Christmas Number One ?  CLICK HERE

Tuesday 27 November 2018

Things we need to do

It's WEDNESDAY and that means it's blog day.

Can I share some of my DOINGS LIST and ask for help ?

Do you think that may make it to NUMBER ONE for Christmas in our music chart ?

I have a feeling it may.  Have you checked the latest chart ?  CLICK HERE....

Gifts for SECRET SANTA are pouring in.  It's ambitious to be sending gifts to THREE hospitals, last year we did just one but I am confident we will send a packed sleigh to Sheffield Childrens' Hospital, Birmingham Childrens' Hospital and Ward Five Milton Keynes Hospital.

LISA and MAGGIE have volunteered, so we need one more volunteer - one for each hospital, to take gifts wrap them, label them and store them until Santa's Sleigh can make the deliveries.

Pictured left is Santa's Sleigh which with its new turbo charger can do around 40 miles to
the gallon. We have penciled in Friday 21st December to make the deliveries, we will check this is OK with the three hospitals. Santa would like to have one or two elves come along to help.


Rudolph is polishing his nose. We will have a couple of car boot sales to put fuel in the car so any STUFF you have we could sell will be most welcome.

Saturday marks the start of Advent when we will launch our
Advent Calendar, each day a new musical window on YouTube.

Last year Secret Santa was our most successful project, this year it will be even more so.  Just those few little
areas on the doings list where help is needed. AND, of course, keep the gifts flowing in.  

Did you catch the new show this week - MONDAY MORNING MUSIC MEGA MIX ?

Podcast now on-line..... CLICK HERE

Today at 6am I will be bringing you an amazing fun pop music quiz in the Let's Inspire programme.  Then on Thursday my featured composer in Wake Up With The Classics will be Felix Mendelssohn. 

Let's have a preview for each show.

That will be in today's show. This will be part of tomorrow.



I am going into the studio to record something to add into next Wednesday's show. THE MINILABS are coming in to talk about their new Christmas Charity Video.

Who are The MiniLabs ?

These are The MiniLabs !


Saturday 24 November 2018

I am absolutely KNACKERED !

It has been a busy week - I  am  whacked ! KNACKERED.....

Next week is every bit as busy but I wouldn't change anything. Tweak things perhaps but change NO WAY.

Let me tell you what has been happening and share the TWEAKS....

While I have had so much going on I have not been writing the regular music blogs. These pages are vital to our music so I am going to tweak things and from now on write three blogs a week - SUNDAY - WEDNESDAY and FRIDAY.

Yesterday we played music at The Bletchley Bandstand as a warm up to the live stage and the Christmas lights turn on.  It was a hard day, we handed out sweets and balloons but quickly
ran out of both. We needed more help, more sweets, more balloons.

THANK YOU to all who came to help and to those who popped by to chat. Great to have listeners to radio CRMK and so many of my former students visit the music.

There were two groups of teenagers who came along.  One group of lads, aged perhaps 13 or 14, came up on to the bandstand then started dancing. They loved the rock and roll music.

Another trio of lads, aged perhaps 16 or 17, asked me where I had got the music from, they loved it.

An older gentleman asked if The Geriatric DJ had CD compilations of the music he could buy !

Bletchley and Fenny Stratford Town Council ran a fantastic day. We now need to plan a rock and roll party at the bandstand in the Spring to support The Food Bank and could we not use the location for Sunshine Smile Day 2019 ?

On all of the radio shows last week I read Stewart Bailey's SMILE poem. Paul has suggested our music has a THOUGHT FOR THE DAY - I would like to tweak this and make it THOUGHT FOR THE WEEK. This is the thought for this week... MAKE THE WORLD SMILE IT WILL SMILE BACK.

Last week I did four guest spots on different shows in addition to my own.

THANKS Stewart Bailey for taking me live from the bandstand yesterday. THANK YOU Mike and Bob for inviting me on to your show. THANK YOU Thia for letting me be part of your show.  I loved it.

Thank you BBC Radio for inviting me into your studio last Monday.

If you understand the joke associated with the next song - GREAT.  If not then let it remain an enigma.

So what's the music for this week ?

6am to 8am I will be launching a new show - Monday Morning Music Mega Mix - a non-stop melting pot of music from a wide genre as I share with listeners all of the shows on Radio CRMK which will be coming along during the week.

Maureen is coming into the studio for the show but insists she will not be speaking on the microphone and I am not to tell anyone she is there !

This is on the playlist:

Tuesday's show will have HERMAN'S HERMITS as the featured album.

Wednesday's show is a bit of a music quiz with music wrapped around some inspirational good causes.

Here's something from Herman's Hermits...

HEY don't forger the geriatric DJ's Top Twenty Chart which is now published every FRIDAY - CLICK HERE

Here's number 20 in the current chart:

Now where was I ?  Yes, here's something from Wednesday's playlist....

The featured composer for Thursday's show is Felix Mendelssohn.

In a minute I'll share something from Thursday's show but first of all let me remind you...............

To listen live go to and click on listen.

To catch up with the podcasts CLICK HERE

Let's talk toilets......

The studio loo at Radio CRMK is now twinned with the toilet in a family home in the village of KERU in MUYANJE KABALE DISTRICT of UGANDA....

On Wednesday 19th December and old friend who runs a relief project in Uganda will be in the studio as my guest to tell us all about life in that country.

Let's play the Uganda national anthem, it's a lovely piece of music.

Let's twin a second toilet...

Why not ?

From 11.30pm on Monday 31st January 2018 right through to mid-day on Tuesday 1st January 2019 I will be anchoring a special broadcast to celebrate our toilet twinning.

CHECK OUT THE PLAN and have a look at the DRAFT PLAYLIST.  I will be the anchorman, I will be the show's host BUT the music will be played by those who come into the studio to join in the fun.

This will be the opening song of the show.

And this will be the final song.

During the show I will provide a buffet. Friends coming into the studio can dip into their pockets, throw some coins into a
collecting box. They can also sign up to a lucky prize draw. At the end of the show we will draw the winner. We will then use the money we have collected to twin the toilet in the winner's home with a second loo in Uganda.

Gifts are flooding in - WOW - THANK YOU.  Keep them coming.

We need two things.

We need friends who will take the gifts, wrap them and put labels on each parcel to show if it is for a boy. girl, mum and dad etc.  CAN YOU DO THIS ?

We need to fix a day to deliver the gifts to the three hospitals in Milton Keynes, Birmingham and Sheffield. Santa needs an elf or two to come with him.  Could you do that ?

Did you see this ?

Christmas Shows:

Monday 24th December - I want to wrap the entire show around requests sent in by listeners.

Tuesday 25th December - I will be playing tracks dedicated to the families staying in Ronald McDonald House Birmingham, families with a child sick in Birmingham's Childrens' Hospital.

Wednesday 26th December - I will be playing requests sent in by staff and volunteers at The Food Bank.

Freemasonry In the Community  Last week I had a very productive meeting with a senior member of Freemasonry. In
the New Year I will feature Freemasonry In the Community in one of my shows, they will also be taking part in the New Year marathon broadcast.

Yes, I am a Freemason myself but not active.  Things have changed so much since my day as Worshipful Master, changed for the better.  I am looking forward to sharing these changes and the amazing work now being done by Freemasonry.

I played that last song for Paul who is part of the senior management team for The Geriatric DJ. He is my boss, one of them.

I had hoped to achieve 100,000 blog readers by the end of the year but not now
writing a regular daily page that probably is not going to happen.  However, during 2019 our music and our mission to MAKE PEOPLE SMILE, BE HAPPY AND INSPIRE SUPPORT FOR GOOD CAUSES could go into orbit.  Music played on the radio, on the blog, on the website, on YouTube and in the community. get your spacesuits ready !

Put this date into your diary: Sunday 16th January 3pm - those who want to get involved at any level with the music, to make people smile, be happy and inspire support for good causes are getting together. We will plan what we can do and what we can not do.  We will have a management team, each member will have a group of volunteers.

  • Promotion
  • e-bay and car boot sales to finance all we want to do
  • Good causes
  • Music roadshows
  • Publications

Do you have an hour a week you could spare to be involved.

Last week the team set up a Geriatric DJ facebook page, a fan club for our music. Are you a member ?  CLICK HERE

We would really like you to join and help us infect the world with the smiles of our music.

This group was set up last week but already has 260 members. help us make that 2,600

Yes, I am totally knackered but I would not have it any other way.

Stewart's poem and what our music is all about.....

Smiling is infectious, you can catch it just like flu - 
When someone started smiling at me today I started smiling too.
I walked around the corner and someone saw me grin.
When he smiled I realised I had passed it on to him.
I thought about the smile and understood its worth.A single smile like mine could travel round the earth.So if you feel a smile begin do not leave it undetected
Start an epidemic and get the world infected !

Yesterday, as we were handing out the sweets and balloons I was giving children smilie stickers and saying I wanted them to go around all day smiling and making others smile.  Every child I spoke to grinned widely and promised to do just that.

To close.....

Life is a lot more fun if you are silly....

The next blog page will be published on WEDNESDAY 28th November.

PS:  I would like to play a piece of music for the IDIOT GOOGLE GEEKS who keep screwing up the page formatting and font on this page but I will not as IT'S RUDE !