Tuesday 20 November 2018

Like a bat out of hell

Yesterday I had a new turbo charger fitted to my car. To quote the guy at the garage: You'll find it now drives like a bat out of hell !


I think the turbo has not been working properly for a long time, the car now hasso much power I need to be very careful how I drive.

Some time ago a dear and old friend asked me if I thought a person should let their head or their heart rule their life. I did
not hesitate with my reply: Let your heart do the running and let your head catch up.

That is always how I have lived my life. When my head has failed to keep up then the outcome has been failure. But that has never changed my life philosophy.

Right now the turbo in my Jag is weak compared to the turbo in my head. 

It's 2.56am.  I'll write this page then head to the studio to broadcast today's show. The title for that show is HEART v HEART as I debate my friend's question and my answer.

Yesterday the broadcast computer showed a strong UK based audience, I can not get precise numbers - that needs a log in from the programme controller but numbers were way up.  The way UK listeners were popping up on the screen was like a bat out of hell.

Without any question this explosion in the audience is down to the new Geriatric DJ Facebook Group. In less than a week it has achieved a membership of 251 ! Are you a group member ?  CLICK HERE

It is and will be the key to the success of OUR music as we play that music to make people smile, be happy and inspire support for good causes.

In a meeting with LISA last week we agreed that things will go on hold a little bit as we get a foundation in place, we will then ONLY take on something if we have a person within the team to manage it.


Friends to drop by Blecthley Bandstand on Saturday between 9am and 8pm - morning being the most important time. We will be playing music for a rock and roll party supporting The Food Bank and warming up for the live stage and the Christmas Lights Switch on. Can you drop by.

We need to promote SECRET SANTA but important we need to find friends who will take the gifts, wrap them and store them ahead of delivery to the three hospitals.  Last year we collected 100 gifts, this year we need 200.

I need members of the group to come along for an hour during my New Year marathon radio show. Come and play some music with me - help me make people smile and be happy.  CLICK HERE for the plan.  CLICK HERE for the broadcast schedule.

If I had £1 for every time I have played this song over the last forty years I would be a rich man and the £900 spent yesterday on a new turbo for the Jag would be lose change.

I have always tried to live my life like a bridge over troubled water. Our music needs bridges, lots of them. We need a
friend for every good cause we want out music to support. For each cause we need someone who will be the point of contact for that good cause, to co-ordinate our activity and to promote it. This is not an arduous task, a couple of hours a week which you can fit round everything else in your life.

Will you be one of our bridges ?

OK- 3.24am. Let's publish today's page. I'll go back to bed for half an hour then drive the Jag CAREFULLY to the studio, To listen to the show 6am to 8am simply go to www.crmk.co.uk and click on LISTEN  The PODCAST will be on-line round about 9am

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