Saturday 3 November 2018

I have to be the luckiest person alive !

Yesterday should have been a BAD day.

SHOULD HAVE BEEN ! IT WAS was wonderful.

My 68th birthday - The Geriatric DJ really has become a GERIATRIC !

YET yesterday was possibly the happiest day in my long life.

The day began at 4am when I opened a most beautiful text
message from Josh. That set me up for the day.

Off then to the Car Boot Sale at Bletchley Irish Centre. The people who run this boot sale are such lovely people, I like going there no matter how much money we make. This song is for all at Bletchley Irish Centre.

We took £74 at the sale, that is AMAZING. people were
throwing money at me and buying things we have had on the table for weeks without anyone showing interest. People came up to see me to talk music. There were only a few moments during the entire morning  when I was not in conversation.

There are regulars who come to the stall to talk music. I love our conversations.

I was chatting to a man who comes by most weeks to spend time with me. I told him it was my birthday, he asked me how old I was. I CAN GIVE YOU TWENTY YEARS he said. He is 88 years old. I had thought he was perhaps a year or so older then me, heck if I can look like that in twenty years time - WOW ! We had a long and lovely conversation.  My friend likes this kind of music so let's play something for him.

Thank You to all the wonderful people at Benchley Irish Centre for giving me a fabulous morning.

I am married to the most amazing lady in the world. I came home from the boot sale and she gave me my birthday present - three pairs of socks ! 

And something else LOL.

I opened the computer expecting a few birthday wishes - twenty, perhaps twenty-five. I did not expect there to be more

My two grandsons then came round to wish me HAPPY BIRTHDAY. We went to McDonald's - a great place to eat for a veterinarian.

NO, I did not get a birthday balloon but the duty manager recognised me: You are famous, she said, you are in the video JAKE GOES TO McDONALD'S !

Back home the phone rang, it was my two granddaughters wishing me a Happy Birthday !

While I was out I missed a call - HAPPY BIRTHDAY from my Mum and Dad.  Yes, I am 68 - my Mum and Dad are 91 and 93 years old !

My youngest granddaughter likes this song.

Gary called to wish me Happy Birthday. We discussed the disastrous Sheffield Wednesday result.

Maureen and I may have been married for 40 years but my Mum and Dad have been married for SEVENTY years.

This was the number one hit record on the day they were married.

The wonderful Bletchley Irish Centre again - LOL

My day was filled with love.

YES, my day was filled with LOVE. I am such a lucky person to have so many wonderful, lovely people in my life.  I have to be the luckiest person alive.

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