Thursday 1 November 2018

Delegate or DIE

On yesterday's page I tried to explain that I will not give in when adversity puts a finger up to me ! I'll reply by putting up two !

When I was head of year at Leon School my old boss, Bruce Abbott, would say to me: You have 360 students in your charge, a deputy, a secretary and a team of 12 tutors so WHY DO YOU INSIST ON DOING EVERYTHING YOURSELF ?  DELEGATE !

FRIDAY - so that means a new edition of The Geriatric DJ's Top Twenty Chart.

Here's this week's NUMBER TWENTY.

I had an early night last night, have slept for TEN HOURS
solid, it's now 4.39am - YOU DO THE MATHS !

Here's Number 19 in the chart

To check all of the chart go to this link CLICK HERE


I have a great time broadcasting yesterday's radio show - LOVED EVERY MINUTE.  Did you listen ?  Podcasts HERE.

Thanks to the 149 friends who have so far listened to show recordings on the podcast page.

Yesterday the blog attracted a slightly better number of readers than in recent days but still
about one third the number it was pulling a month ago.

However, I do not see the music achieving my ambition for 100,000 by the end of the year.

That is why I am planning to approach a friend and ask if he will become SOCIAL MEDIA MANAGER to  promote our music.

Gee -  I  am going to delegate !

Here's a new entry in our chart at number 18.

OMG I have just had one of those Facebook messages - it says my posts were like one thousand times last month.
WOW - thank you my dear friends.

So what was number 17 ?

Another new entry.

Tomorrow I am going to celebrate my birthday at The Irish Centre car boot sale to make a few pennies to support our music.  Actually with all the STUFF we have been given I
think I can make a good number of pounds.

Actually I have in mind to delegate STUFF to A Car Boot Sale Support Manager ! 

Last week's number 10 in the chart has slipped back to number 16.

I am going to ask someone to be TREASURER and keep a watch on the money. With a very few exceptions we do not handle money for the good causes we support, they do that themselves, but I need someone to make sure everyone
knows what money is what.  There is an ACCOUNTS PAGE on the website.

No change in the chart at number 15.

We have within our website an on-line shop CLICK HERE. I need to ask someone to set up and manage an e-bay shop
to run alongside this.

Number 14 ?

Another new entry.

My Tuesday show on FABULOUS RADIO CRMK will feature the greatest album ever to be released - SIMON AND GARFUNKEL - BRIDGE OVER TROUBLED WATER.

Wednesday's show will have a sub-title of MUSIC FOR GOOD CAUSES. I will be playing the entire chart, wrapping the music round the good causes we seek to support with our music.

No change at number 13 this week, it's still Tony Orlando.

My Wednesday radio show is all about music and inspiration. Last week I have a great audience, people are talking about The Geriatric DJ playing the very first 2018 Christmas Show on British Radio.  I declared Advent on Halloween to support SECRET SANTA and BLTCHELY CHRISTMAS LIGHTS SWITCH ON.

This week I want to wrap the music of this Top Twenty Chart around ALL of the GOOD CAUSES the music of The Geriatric DJ supports.

In today's new Geriatric DJ Top Twenty Chart The Carpenters have dropped down to number 12 from their previous position last week at number 2.

I want to add in a new good cause - MK SOUP RUN.

Yesterday Ronald McDonald House Birmingham locked into the ZIP WIRE CHALLENGE. I am talking to Sheffield Wednesday FC about their being involved to support Sheffield Childrens' Hospital. I want to include MK SOUP KITCHEN in this fun event.

Number 11 ?  Still at number 11 it is The Village People.

A bit more delegation !  I am going to invite someone to be the Co-ordinator of our Good Causes, simply to keep in
contact with the organisers and make sure we are helping as best we can.

I am also going to ask someone to take overall charge of the BONKERS EVENTS we put on to support our good causes.

I am absolutely rubbish at delegating but if I do not do this our music will die. FACT.

NO, I am not going to play the Top Ten - you can check them out for yourself and listen to the music by CLICKING HERE.

I am going to close today's page with something I will be playing on Thursday's show. WAKE UP WITH THE CLASSICS is changing for one week to play music honouring those who served and gave their lives for our country.

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