Monday 5 November 2018

Spread The Love.

Yesterday afternoon I sat down after a busy day to listen to the music on today's playlist for the radio.


I wrote that playlist three weeks ago, I don't remember it being so great !

Shame the DJ is a Silly Old Man !

Here's something I'll be playing.

Tune in at 6am - just go to and click on LISTEN. For the lazy people the podcasts will be available by 10am (ish) BUT trust me it is better to listen live.

I ONLY play music on my Tuesday shows if I have the original vinyl at home and YES I do have The Bay City Rollers.

I also have this.

I am still reeling from the LOVE blasted all over me at the week-end. Heck, I have some amazing friends. You did read the report on Sunday's blog didn't you ?

Today's featured album is Bridge Over Troubled Water, the highest selling album of all time and the title song of which I never stop telling anyone who will listen, is the greatest piece of music ever written.

I guess I had better play something from the album.

I have always tried to live my life as a Bridge Over Troubled Water, ever since I first heard the song as a student.

To mix metaphors..................

I often say that The Wave Of Love flows in two directions - if you give love then love comes back to you.

Yesterday I was hit by a tidal wave of love from my wonderful
friend Josh. My bridge over troubled water is a pontoon which sways with the tide, I tell you when Josh and his wonderful lady have finished rebuilding their lives their bridge will be as tall and solid as that spanning the Golden Gate of San Francisco.

All of the music I play is to SPREAD LOVE.

Having finally prepared information to build the team to take the music and the love to higher levels TWO people raced forward with their jam knives at the ready to start spreading the love.

Something else from this morning's play list.

3.48am - just over two hours before I start broadcasting. I can't wait until I can share this playlist and start spreading love through the music. Well I am going to get in the car and head off. I'll listen to the playlist again in the studio before I go live.

To listen at 6am go to and click on LISTEN. To close I had better end with the title song from today's album.

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