Friday 10 April 2020

Friday - What's Good About It ?

FRIDAY 10th APRIL 2020:
Friday 10th April 2020 - Good Friday. What's good about it ? Well let's see shall we ?

5.45am:  Had a very good night's sleep.  Got up quarter of an hour ago as Doggie Jake needed the loo. In his day morning tinkle is always followed by breakfast. That done he is now back asleep in his chair. Who ever said it was a dog's life meaning something negative. Jake lives a very happy dog's life and I love him so much. Off now to do my first chore of the day in a human's life. Washing up from last night.

6.53am: Washing up done. Doggie Jake home from his morning walk, saw on person on a bike and one person is his driveway doing something with his car, nobody else. Very calm and quiet. Put stuff out on the bird table but the birds are still asleep. Lovely moon in the morning sky. Now eating my breakfast of two toasted crumpets and a bowl of cereal with satsuma and chocolate covered raisins.

7.38am:  I have now typed up the scribbling from yesterday to my latest book THE LONELY GHOST.  I am writing this for my two granddaughters, Katherine and Frances. It;s the first childrens book I have written since the early 1990's. Originally I only wrote stories for children but thought I would have a go at returning to the genre. The story has been rambling a bit without a real sense of direction in the plot but now I know exactly where I am going to take things as I develop the plot and the characters. I was thinking the story would be around 12,000 words in length but with 3,928 words so far written and these being an introduction it may be longer. I am aiming this story at children aged around 10 years so I need to be careful not to make it too long. Right, I think I will go and have a walk in the garden. Speak again later.

9.43am:  I have moved the laptop and all assorted work stuff to the garden and set up a new office to work on Sunshine Smile projects,.  Been to Poundland to buy ESSENTIAL supplies to make people SMILE.  Beautiful lady in Poundland on the till making everyone SMILE.

10.49am: Been laminating and sorting Smile Cards to send to Ronald McDonald Houses. We have 370. To cover every house in the UK we need 1.024. Going to have to write a special blog for Sunshine Smile Crew members.

12noon:  Put up a Smile Card, a big one, on the gates to my drive. Time now for lunch. Jam sandwiches.

12.43pm: Just fixed a bit of fence that was falling down.

1.55pm: e-mailed the schools I am involved with via Worktree to wish all a happy Easter. Think I will have a little walk around the garden now.

2.20pm: Sitting at the very bottom of our garden in the shade by the summer house, writing some more for my story The Lonely Ghost.

3.48pm:  Sent an e-mail of thanks to the officers I have contact with in our local police wishing them well and thanking them for all they are doing at this time. Written more for my story, will write a bit more.

4.15pm:  Have tidied up the garden, back inside and watching the news on TV. Waiting for the Downing Street briefing at 5pm.  Looking forward to seeing Boris back and leading our country.

5pm: Watching the briefing from 10 Downing Street. 980 people have died over the past 24 hours. This is mad but we have a government doing so well to care for us. The Prime Minister is recovering but it is going to be a few weeks before he is well and back at work. Get well soon Boris.  That was a powerful positive briefing, now the bonehead journalists ask their stupid questions.

5.37pm: Those thick, stupid journalists are still babbling on. If was leading the briefing I would lose my temper big time !  I have typed up the text for The Lonely Ghost I wrote earlier, up to 4,689 words. Going to nip to the loo then chill out watching TV - NOT dumbo journalists.

9pm:  Time now to chill out, lay in bed and bring today to an end and sleep. Before I sleep I do as I have been doing since the onset of this crisis, I fill my mind with people I care for and wish them well, sending them love.  Good Friday ?  Well it has been a good day. Good Friday.

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