Saturday 11 April 2020

How are you getting on ?

So how are you all getting on ?  I've just had a telephone call from my two granddaughters, Katherine and Frances. They were telling me they have two frogs living in the pond in their garden. I asked them what the frog's names were, I will write them in to the story.  I was told they are Tommy and Lucy. 

I am not writing as much each day for the story as I would like, usually a lit less than one thousand words a day. When I write my brain is normally racing away far faster than I can write but this us the first story I have written for children since since 1993 so I am thinking far more than I would normally. I do hope the story is Ok.

My two granddaughters are different characters, I am trying hard to bring out their characters in the story. I think it is working. 4,690 words so far. For this blog series which I am calling ESCAPE FROM ARMAGEDDON, before I add this page I am up to 10,233 words. You do know, of course, that my granddaughter's book is called THE LONELY GHOST.

So how are you all doing ?  I am sitting in the garden eating a light lunch and writing. It is very calm, still and quiet. The loudest sound is a dove.  We have always had doves in our garden. They nest in the trees at the bottom. The hedge at the bottom of the garden is an ancient field boundary, it actually says in the deeds to my property that it can not be grubbed out.

Some years ago I uncovered a large horseshoe buried in the ground, it once belonged to a plough horse.  If only it could tell its story.  I like writing time travel stories, The lonely Ghost is a time travel story, perhaps I could reflect back and place myself where I am sitting right now somewhere in history. Fast forward a few hundred years and I wonder what history will make of this present situation.  I am assuming we will indeed escape from Armageddon.If you believe the government, which I do, we will indeed escape. If you believe that sad pathetic news commentators we are doomed !

We are NOT doomed. The horseshoe I found in the ground is screwed to a wall with the end pointing upward meaning the good luck can not run out.  I'll speak with you all again tomorrow.

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