Monday 4 September 2017

Don't know about a Wave of Love - This is a TIDAL wave !

Where to begin !

Forget a wave of love, yesterday was a TIDAL wave.

Regular readers will know of my love of music so let's have some music while I write and you read.

Surfing a wave it has to be The Beach Boys doesn't it ?

Are you ready ?

Click and listen.

I went to MK Dons FC yesterday to pick up a gift the players had prepared for OurRebekah's e-bay auction. I popped the carrier bag in the boot of the car then drove on to my next meeting. 

When I opened the bag I was expecting an autographed football and a team shirt. Without a word of a lie, when I opened the bag I said aloud WHAT LOVELY, LOVELY people. The players had autographed the ball AND the shirt.

THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH FOR YOUR LOVE and THANK YOU to Sue FDawson, Operations Director who made this happen.

When the ball and shirt appear on the auction site the money they raise will be given to Ronald McDonald House in Oxford.

Let me share Lexie's story with you. The aution of these lovely items will help children and families like her.


It appeared that Lexie was having a seizure. She was hyperventilating and unresponsive. There followed an emergency dash to intensive care at John Radcliffe Hospital in Oxford. Emma grabbed her glasses as there was no time to even put in contact lenses. The family thought Lexie was just going for an MRI scan but they were soon told it was more serious; Lexie needed an operation.

The family, based in Northampton, were many miles from home. Whilst they waited for Lexie to recover, Emma’s husband went to stay with family in Oxford and Emma found a room in emergency accommodation. But Emma worried about where her three other children would stay.

Following the surgery Lexie was very poorly, and after spending a long time watching over her daughter, Emma called her husband, exhausted, saying she needed to switch shifts. ‘You come over’, she said. ’I will go and get some sleep.’ Like any mother, Emma did not want her daughter to be on her own when she was so ill.

At some point later in the day, a nurse suggested that Emma might like to freshen up at the Ronald McDonald House in Oxford. In a daze, she went. Emma felt such relief at having some privacy, to use the tissues on hand there, to see the gel and moisturiser, the towels. She broke down and cried; she was overwhelmed by the thoughtfulness of those that had made it look so welcoming for people like her. She was amazed. There had been no privacy in intensive care. Now she had somewhere to lock the door and break down, so she could be strong for her family and carry on.

Emma found it amazing to have people like the staff at Ronald McDonald House, who understood what she needed to feel human, such as being able to wash her clothes. The House even had a wheelie bag trolley that she could use to buy food and veg from the supermarket. The simple routines of eating breakfast and being able to make dinner meant so much to the family.

Lexie was in hospital for a couple of weeks which coincided with half term. She was out of intensive care and in the children’s ward and doing so much better. Although Emma’s other children were very supportive, they were missing mum and dad and, of course, missing Lexi. They came and stayed at half term which meant they could behave like a family. They could cook and eat together in the communal rooms at the Oxford House and chill out together as they would normally do at home.

Today, the family have to take regular trips to the Oxford hospital for Lexie’s treatment and though it can feel like a long way to travel from their current home in Wales, the family accept that the hospital is one of only four specialist craniofacial units in the country that can help Lexie.

Of Lexie, Emma says ‘Although she is doing very well, it is still a struggle. We are hoping she
won’t need more surgery, but we don’t know.’ And of the Oxford House? She says simply, ‘I owe them part of my sanity.’

When you bring your surfboard to OurRebekah it is families like Lexie's you are giving your love to.
I want you to meet this little fellow.

He is looking for a home and I wondered if he may like to live to Ronald McDonald House in Oxford. Not as a guest in the same way as Lexie and others like her but as a house pet.

Here he is again sitting on Wrigglies Exotic Pet's Manager Ro's hand.

I really like Ro as a person,his love for and knowledge of animals is very special. Yesterday while we were chatting about our FROG CHALLENGE he was saying how he wants to inspire children to share that love. he talked about an ambition to find the next David Bellamy or David Attenborough among the children who visit his shop.

As part of our event at Wrigglies Exotioc pets on Saturday 30th September Ro wants us to give away cakes to those who come along. That's not a problem, cakes are fast becoming something of a tradition in their own right within OurRebekah.   I suggested that if we were to give away cakes we needed to offer cans of Coca Cola to go with them.  the cakes would be free but we would ask for a donation towards Ronald McDonald House Charities for the cans.

Where to but the cans ?  Those you pick up from a supermarket shelf have a note on them saying they are part of a multi-pack deal and not to be sold individually.


At five o'clock yesterday I had a meeting with Lydia to chat over the catering arrangements for our doggie treasure hunt and disco. Two hours later Lydia was at my front door with two giant cases of Coke she had been to pick up from the cash and carry !   More love.

You will, if you are a regular reader, know that my outlook on the world is: LIFE IS A DISCO SO DANCE.

I was chatting yesterday with Graham, my next door neighbour, who is running the disco for OurRebekah at Stowe on Sunday 15th October. The disco is being held in this amazing building.

Graham was telling me how he was speaking about the disco to someone when he was shopping in Tesco. Another person overheard the conversation and asked Graham if that was the disco David was organising !

Word is spreading.

I am working on a new web page to promote the disco so those who do not have four-legged friends for the doggie treasure hunt can still come to the disco and bbq.

This is going to be a retro disco with music from the 1950's, 60's, 70's and 80's.  I am busy working on a YouTube presentation of some of the songs we will be playing and just a few of the daft games we will be fooling around with. Life is a DISCO so DANCE.

I guess it's about ten days or so ago now since someone told me about Radio Secklow 105 .5. I have been listening to it here on my laptop while I work.  yesterday I tuned the radio in my car to the station. I never drive anywhere, not even to the local shops without music playing in the car.  Yesterday I was telling Graham about the radio station which played the music I love and the music Graham plays at his discos.

Later I sat down at the laptop to write a couple of letters including one to Ronald McDonald House in Oxford telling them all about the frog and MK Dons. I was listening to the programme Tony's Time Tunnel. My fingers were tapping on the keys in time to the music.

Suddenly a wave crashed over me. Yes it was a wave of love but also one of embarrassment. Tony mentioned my name live on radio. Tony I am still blushing !

Coming to the disco on Sunday 15th October are many of my former students, my LEONITES. It has been twenty years since I was a head of year at Leon School so to be in contact with so many of you is something I treasure deeply.  I love reading your posts and am so much looking forward to seeing you again.

Are you a LEONITE are you coming to the DISCO ?  CLICK HERE.

I am not going to tell you what it is but I have something a bit special and UTTERLY SILLY for all Leonites who come to the disco.

I am making a £2 donation to Ronald McDonald House Oxford every time a Leonite adds their name to the guest list. so come on, add yourself to the fun and empty my pockets.

Back to Secklow 105.5......

A new show started tjis week on Secklow 105.5 and guess what - it is presented by a former Leon Student !

Frank I dipped into the show's recording yesterday and loved what you are doing. I will be listening to it in full today. It's something very special.

And the love keeps coming. the wave keeps crashing.

Yesterday Frosts garden Centres sent me an e-mail saying they were talking about how they could support OurRebekah and Ronald McDonald House Charities.

In the fridge is the cake I will be taking to Sheffield on Saturday when Gary and I go to watch the game, take part in the club's photoshoot and pick up their gift for our e-bay auction.

When I came home from MK Dons yesterday a terrible fear swept over me. Had I given them the right cake ?  Can you imagine if I had given them the Sheffield Wednesday cake. In a cold sweat I raced to the fridge.


All was Ok.  This silly old man had not been quite that silly.

Well I guess I have been talking for too long. I am going to close with something from my YouTube Channel.  I told my local MP that he should propose a private member bill in parliament for us to BREXIT the Eurovision Song Contest.  Iain this is for you and THANKS for all the support you have given to OurRebekah.

Have you ever been to an Andre Rieu concert ?  When he says the concert is coming to an end what he means is there's still 45 minutes of music to go.  So here's something else.

And another !

And this really , really is the end. A change of mood, a change of temp, No Mr Mozart we will not be playing your music at the disco.

Yesterday 98 people read The Wave of Love. How many today ? 

Speak again tomorrow.  

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