Thursday 21 September 2017


A couple of months ago I was at an event, nothing to do with OurRebekah, which was attended by the mayor and our local MP. Chatting to them I said it must be quite a task to have to keep attending events like this week in week out.

They both corrected me saying how much they enjoyed meeting people and chatting, how these people from all walks of life gave them inspiration.

I know what they mean. When it comes to writing this daily blog I am never short of things to write about, there is always such a lot happening. These "things" give me inspiration, I hope they inspire all who are involved with OurRebekah. Yesterday 99 people read the blog. How many will read today's edition ?

My day began with a text from Gary telling me to check out Sheffield Wednesday's website and look at what the club had done for the match-day programme on Sunday. It is a special, extra special 150 page souvenir edition celebrating the club's 150th birthday. The OurRebakah photograph and article have been included. Thank you to Trevor and his fellow club directors for such wonderful support. I am looking forward so much to being part of the capacity crowd at Sunday's game.

Hi Ho Sheffield Wednesday.

Don't forget you can sponsor Ronald McDonald House in Birmingham as you CHEER ON THE TEAM.

Yesterday I met three very special people who were an inspiration to me.

Professor Mark Birkinshaw, left, Research Associate Alistaire Fraser, right and Dr Michael Masheder, below left.

These are three of the top men in their field. The last thing I am is a scientist and I must admit much of what they said was far beyond my comprehension but I still found it fascinating.

They talked Quantum Physics, I talked Philosophy but I think our minds met and I came away very much inspired and full of gratitude to the trio for their time.

I had gone to Bristol University to visit its radio telescope. This is something I had promised myself for many years that I would do this and yesterday my ambition was reaalised.

The distances this telescope can see are unbelievable, measured in hundreds of billions of light years. The telescope was paid for by an old friend of mine. I wanted to see what he had given to the university but also I wanted to take photographs I can use to support our Fire A Rocket For Beck project. Updating the web page and launching, pardon the pun, is now high up on my doings list.

At the other end of the academic spectrum are my granddaughters, Katherine and Frances. Katherine is in Year One at school and Frances is in nursery school. Here they are signing cards for families in Ronald McDonald Houses.

You can Sign A Card, just click the link.

Here's another picture from yesterday where Katherine is printing some posters for the Doggie Treasure Hunt.

Next week I  will be blitzing the publicity to bring as many doggies to the treasure hunt as I possibly can.

Katherine's Dad is Managing Lawyer at The Environment Agency, I have told him he had better make sure we have good weather for the event.

Yesterday Chase added his name to the guest list. Make sure you register your four legged friend to come and join in the fun.

I have been working though the many pages in our website, updating information and cleaning a few typo's. I have now reached T in the alphabetical list so that brings me to The Bridge House.

I am very much wanting to get back to writing as a relief from running all of these projects.

So that's the update for today, almost as much happening as the number of light years Bristol University's radio telescope can see !

Speak again tomorrow.

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