Tuesday 26 September 2017

It is still a £20 note !

I did not publish a blog yesterday but even so 34 people visited The Wave Of Love and read archive pages. 

That's good isn't it ?

I am not going to pretend otherwise, everything yesterday got on top of me. There was so much to do, I thought I was going crazy.

The biggest issue was The Doggie Treasure Hunt which was spiraling outside the planning and logistics we had in place.

I sat down with our good friend, Scott - Operations Manager at Stowe National Trust and took the difficult decision to change the date of the event from Sunday 15th October to the Spring of next next year. This will allow us to change the planning in order to accommodate a much larger and better event. It was a hard decision to take but the common sense and right one.

Carlos, the manager of Sheffield Wednesday, was speaking about the club's THRASHING in the game against Sheffield United on Saturday.

He took out a £20 from his pocket, screwed it up, battered it then unfolded it. It was still a £20 note and still had its value. Nothing had changed. The club is still the club and while it took a battering in the game it has lost none of its value.

That's a good metaphor for life do you not think ?

When life batters you, when life deals you a duff card, when things go a bit wrong, let life screw you up and batter you then stand back and unfold yourself from the situation. You are still you and you retain the value and love you have always had.

Thank you Carlos, I like that.

Tonight Sheffield Wednesday is playing away against Birmingham City.

Kick Off 7.45pm. Within our SHEFFIELD WEDNESDAY project you can cheer on the team and sponsor every goal in support of Ronald McDonald House in Birmingham.

Last Saturday's match may have been a humiliating disaster but a £20 note is still a £20 note. I have sent THANK YOU cards to the two players who scored goals in the game. I will send lots more to players who score tonight.

On Saturday we have our FROG CHALLENGE. That £20 not is already worth £40. If absolutely nothing were to happen on Saturday, nobody turn up and we not make a single penny we have already doubled the target for the day.

One of the things that was stressing me out was the failure of Asda Supermarkets' bakery department in a number of stores to get their act together in order to supply presentation cakes for our events.

We needed a cake to give to The Mayor who is supervising our first challenge. Frustrating !

Maureen took the £20 note, unfolded it and made this cake which I am certain His Worship The Mayor will think better than any commercially produced item.

Here are some more cakes. These are the ones Maureen has made to give away on Saturday so if you plan to join us don't eat too much before you arrive.

Hope to see lots of friends on Saturday - CLICK HERE for all the details. 

No, you will not need to bring anything to eat but please DO bring your £20 notes !

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