Friday 8 September 2017

I have to be careful not to miss anyone out !

What do you think to this ?

NOT the shirt, the drop-dead incredibly gorgeous model wearing it !

Ann dropped round yesterday with the shirts for the October Fun Run. 

REMEMBER this is The Wave of Love so no nasty comments !  OK.

HSBC Bank in The City made contact yesterday. They have someone for our LAMBETH WALK project.

I went for a meeting at ASDA yesterday. WOW !

Asda plans to be involved in our THREE PEAKS CHALLENGE. but more than that OurRebekah will be taking part in The New Year in Asda's green token scheme. We are guaranteed £200 for OurRebekah and £500 if we win. We will win !

Thank You Asda.

Have I missed anyone who was on our Wave Of Love yesterday ?  Don't think so. There are so many wonderful people out there I have to make sure I thank them all.

Today, of course, is Sheffield. I do not know exactly what Sheffield Wednesday FC has planned. All I know is that Gary and I have been told to be at the club reception two hours ahead of kick off from where we will be taken to a presentation and photoshoot to receive the two match-day tickets and autographed football which we will be auctioning for Ronald McDonald House in Birmingham

I am going to Ronald McDonald House in Birmingham on Tuesday, I am very excited about that visit. 

While I am at Sheffield today I plan to buy a team scarf and match-day programme. I will take these with me on Tuesday to give to a young football fan staying in the house.

I also intend to take dozens and dozens of photographs during the day, I will take copies with me to Birmingham and also make them into a photobook to add to the ball and tickets in the auction lot.

I plan to ask supporters to sign cards for families in the Birmingham Ronald McDonald House and have already been asking friends here at home to help.  Here is a very special and dear family friend, Daphne, signing a card yesterday. LEONITES will, of course, remember Mrs Capp, Daphne, once Miss Toefield, who was Head of Music at Leon School. Rebekah was very special to Daphne and Daphne special to Rebekah.

I have, of course, the THANK YOU cake for the players. Yesterday I splashed out and got four bottles of champagne for them to have in the dressing room after the game.


While I am watching the game I will be writing a short article to appear in a future match-day programme. When it is published the plan is to send copies to Ronald McDonald Houses in Birmingham, Oxford and San Francisco.

4.34am. Blog finished.  63 people read yesterday's edition, numbers slipping a bit. I wonder how many will read today's news.

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