Thursday 7 September 2017

All the latest news from OurRebekah

Yesterday we had 116 readers. That's great isn't it ? We are up by one visitor from Tuesday.

THANK YOU to all who checked the blog and THANK YOU to those who are reading today's news.

I am late writing the blog today. YES, I was up at my usual 4am but spent three hours working on a presentation for my meeting at Ronald McDonald House Birmingham on Tuesday. I have also just been to Asda to hand in a letter and to buy something for Saturday. More of that later.

As I write I am listening to Radio Secklow 105.5. It's just three weeks since someone told me about the station, love it - you play my kind of music. Right now I am listening to Phil Walsh's Secklow Country. Yesterday I had the station on the car radio as I drove to Buckingham. Lost signal a few miles outside Milton Keynes, yes it is Milton Keynes Community Radio but you guys need to get yourself a more powerful transmitter. You could put the BBC out of business overnight. Wouldn't that be a good thing

I'd better be careful, I know a couple of BBC reporters read this blog so I had best not call it The Bullshit Broadcasting Corporation nor put this picture on-line.

Oooopppsss !

Rather a lot to report, rather a lot to share. Time to shut up and get on with bringing you the news.

Let me start by sharing an e-mail received from the director of MK Dons FC who arranged the gifts for our e-bay auction, the football and team shirt the club donated will support Ronald McDonald House in Oxford.

HI David

I am so pleased that you are happy with the two signed items.

I have got to say that I was very surprised to receive your package of the newsletter and the beautiful cake which was completely unexpected and really not necessary.  What a lovely thought which shows such consideration and has been much appreciated by our staff. 

Wishing you continued success with your fundraising.

Best regards

That' really nice isn't it ?

I spoke with Trevor yesterday. Trevor is one of the directors at Sheffield Wednesday Football Club. I have never met him but consider him a friend of OurRebekah.  I am looking forward to meeting him face to face on Saturday.

Trevor has asked Gary and I to meet him at the club reception two hours ahead of kick off. There is going to be a presentation of the ball the players have signed and two match-day tickets the club is adding for us to auction in support of Ronald McDonald House Charities.

There is going to be a photo session with the club's official photographer. I said to Trevor yesterday that I had better come dressed smart. I am not sure he understood I was joking. Trevor I promise to be a good boy.

I will then be writing an article for a future match-day programme. Copies of those programmes will be sent to families in Ronald McDonald Houses in Birmingham, Oxford and San Francisco.

Ahead of the game I will buy a scarf from the club shop and wear it throughout the game. I will take that to Ronald McDonald House in Birmingham on Tuesday where it can be given to a young football fan.  I will also be taking cards signed by fans sitting round me in the stand, one for every family in the house.

I said a couple of blogs ago that the wave of love is a two way thing. Sending love to Sheffield was, part of my reason for going to Asda this morning. 

I wanted to buy four bottles of champagne to go with the Thank You cake I am sending from OurRebekah for the players to eat in the dressing room after the game. Guys you had better win on Saturday !

I am going to be very cheeky and ask the club photographer to grab my camera and take a couple of pics.  I'll include some on Sunday's blog, will take some to families in Birmingham on Tuesday. I also want to send a picture to Mike Ashley - yes he of Sports Direct fame. I found an e-mail in my inbox this morning from a person whose name I did not recognise. Opening it I found it came from Mike
Ashley's PA thanking me for thanking my local branch for its help in selecting the ball for Sheffield Players to sign. I am hoping that Sports Direct may have someone who would like to be a part of our Three Peaks Challenge.

Listening to Secklow 105.5 as I write Phil Walsh is playing a song Moving Out To The Country. I don't know about the country but I need to MOVE ON and share more news with you.

Yesterday Rodney added his name to the guest list of OurRebekah's project to hold a fun run on The Golden Gate Bridge.  

Why don't you come along and spend a long week-end with us in The City By  The Bay ?  After the fun run we are having a hippy party in Golden Gate Park. Look I have my shirt ready.

Don't worry Trevor I will not wear that shirt to your photo session on Saturday !

Tomorrow I am meeting Susanna at Asda to discuss how the store can help OurRebekah, I am hoping to persuade her to find someone to join our Three Peaks Challenge.  I don't know much about Asda's green token scheme but she wants to chat with me abuout it.

Two weeks today I am spending time with the astrophysics department at Bristol University. This will start our Fire A Rocket to Beck project. I hasten to explain the rocket is a firework - not Apollo 11 !

I have had an idea how we can make this a much more exciting project. I'll be working on that later today.

Something I also need to work on is Secret Santa, we have groups already asking if they can join in.

I have purchased a domain name so you can get to Secret Santa direct: 

Christmas is coming, coming faster than you think.

I had a message from Ann yesterday. She and her husband Mark are running our e-bay auction.
They are almost ready to take this project live.

There was something else in an e-mail from yesterday I just have to share. It was sent by House Manager Libby from Ronald McDonald House in Birmingham:

Ours is a loud and happy House were we help make memories through laughter

Libby I just love that, it is everything OurRebekah is trying to do. I just know my visit on Tuesday is going to be so special.

Here are my train tickets for Tuesday, I can not tell you how much I am looking forward to visiting Good Old Brum again.

And with that I guess I had better sign off and continue working on my presentation of ideas for Tuesday.

EVERYONE - the next edition of The Wave Of Love will be published tomorrow. I will try to get it on-line a bit earlier.

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