Sunday 22 October 2017

Footballs, Rockets and Tall Buildings

Things have been quite over the week-end, readership of the blog has fallen to half our normal figure. Let's see what people make of today !

The next OurRebekah event is happening at Hillsborough Stadium on Saturday 18th November. We are making a presentation to Sheffield Wednesday Football Club.  We are giving them original 7" vinyl singles of their two club anthems HI HO SILVER LINING and SINGING THE BLUES. We want friends to sponsor the goals the club score on that day for £2. We want to find fifty people who will each sponsor every goal for £2 so making the goal worth £100.

We are calling our sponsors BRUMMIE OWLS - Owls because Sheffield Wednesday are The Owls and Brummies because the sponsorship will support Ronald McDonald House in Birmingham.

Will you become a BRUMMIE OWL for the day and throw £2 per goal into the pot for
Birmingham ? CLICK HERE and add yourself in. No  money at the moment, the goals have to be scored first, just add your name to the list.

The team Sheffield Wednesday is playing on Saturday 18th November is Bristol City.

Ronald McDonald House in Birmingham lovingly supports families with children sick in Birmingham's Childrens Hospital.  Ronald McDonald House in Bristol takes care of families with a child sick in Bristol Childrens Hospital.

Looking ahead to February we have a special project set up for the Bristol House. We want people to fire rockets to Rebekah on her birthday - 20th February.

When Beck passed away one of my former students said I should go out into the garden look up into the sky and find the brightest star. That star would be Rebekah. One of Beck's friends paid for a star which previously only had a number to be named STAR REBEKAH DEER. 

Rebekah, of course, was known for her cheeky and infectious smile. Looking up into the sky it will be easy to spot Star Rebekah Deer, it will be the star that is smiling.

We have contact with Bristol University's Astro Physics Department, I have visited their radio telescope and told the scientists working to study the universe all about Rebekah Deer.  Their radio telescope can see for
140 MILLION light years ! 

You do not need a powerful radio telescope to find Star Rebekah, just look for the star that is smiling.

The rockets we will be firing on 20th February will not be remakes of Apollo Eleven, they will be fireworks - powerful fireworks but still fireworks

We want 35 friends, one for each year Rebekah would be celebrating on her birthday, to fire a rocket.

You can sign up for a rocket NOW - click here. When you sign up we want you to pop £2 into the pot then go out and get as many sponsors as you can for your rocket.

If we can find for every one of the 35 rockets ten people who will all sponsor at £2 each then
Rebekah's birthday will be celebrated with £700 being given to Ronald McDonald House in Bristol.

Will you take one of our rockets, find ten people to sponsor it with £2 each then fire it to the sky and Star Rebekah Deer on 20th February 2018 ?

These are two simple yet powerful projects. Each is a lot of fun. Each needs to find some fun people to make them work.

Brummie Owls - £100 per goal. How many goals will The Boys From Sheffield score ?


Not quite so simple is the ACROPHOBIA CHALLENGE !  Acrophobia = a fear of high places. Since I was a small kid I have had a fear of tall buildings. I had two fears, two phobias - a fear of frogs and a fear of tall buildings. At our Frog Challenge in September I conquered my terror of The Wretched Reptile. Time now to sort out my fear of tall buildings.

I originally suggested this should become a project for Ronald McDonald House in Birmingham.

As a school leaver I was a management trainee working in Lewis's Department Store in Birmingham. The maintenance department was housed in a number of sheds on the roof. If ever I had to go there I would walk in the very centre of the building and never go anywhere near the edge.

The two years I worked at Lewis's are the subject for one of my books - THE STORY OF A TEENAGE ENTREPRENEUR (Failed). 

Part of my challenge to overcome my fear of tall buildings is to ascend in January to the roof
of The Lewis's Building, take a series of panoramic photographs and be sponsored for Ronald McDonald House in Birmingham. I will do this from The Lewis's Building and three other tall buildings in the city.

I don't mind telling you I am SCARED !

When I was visiting the radio telescope in Bristol, which of course is on top of a tall building, I told the professor of my fear of high places. I noticed there was a metal gantry by the side of the telescope which is used to maintain the dish and receiver.  It occurred to me that I could climb this as a challenge for Ronald McDonald House Bristol.

Doing a bit of research I soon found three more tall buildings in the city of Bristol which I could use to overcome my fears.

So let's do the challenge for Birmingham and for Bristol.

Ah !    OurRebekah does not do things on a small scale !

I have received a letter from Ronald McDonald House Alder Hey in Liverpool. Alder Hey is the biggest Ronald McDonald House in Europe.

What kind of tall buildings are there in Liverpool ?

Isn't Google a great thing ? A quick rattle of he keys and I found some very tall and iconic buildings I could climb.

So let's add in a third Ronald McDonald house and do the challenge three times.

For the Frog Challenge we set a modest £100 target then smashed it by more than three times. Let's do the same here for Birmingham, Bristol and Liverpool.

That should not be too difficult.

At the moment I have set everything down as a PLAN. CLICK HERE to check it out.

Right now I am contacting the owners of each building seeking their permission to include them in the challenge.

The for each city I need a photographer to work with me, someone who will ascend the buildings and take photographs of me taking
photographs. Does that make sense ?

For the Frog Challenge we had supervisors, people who made sure I kept my word and saw the challenge through. We need a series of people to do the same for this challenge.

I am now recruiting the people.

I have one or two bits of fun which I want to include in the challenge, some silly things which I will keep secret for the moment.

When I have all of this in place, hopefully by the end of November, we can launch The Acrophobia Challenge.

So, if Sheffield Wednesday manage to score three goals on Saturday 18th November that's £300 for Ronald McDonald House Birmingham.  

Firing rockets in February sends £700 to Ronald McDonald House in Bristol.

Climbing this buildings aims for £300 but hopes for £1,000 for the three houses.

£300 + £700 + £1,000 = £2,000

What do you think ?  Should we go for it ?

That, by the way, was a rhetorical question !  Climb on to The Wave Of Love and make it happen.

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