Monday 9 October 2017

Special Edition

Yesterday 102 people read the blog. Usually we have round about 100 friends check out The Wave Of Love.  202 is the highest number we have had - so far.  How many will read these words today.

Today's blog is a bit of a special edition. I am writing, of course, to those who read about OurRebekah every day but also here today on Tuesday 10th October 2017 I want to address myself to those who are taking part in The Big Fun Run on Sunday and specifically to Ann.

It was Ann who came up with the idea for Rebekah's friends to take part in this event, it was Ann who set up the JustGiving page, it was Ann who is the founder of OurRebekah.

Support - LOVE - for Ronald McDonald House in London by way of the Big Fun Run and the EIGHTEEN people who are taking part - 18 + 2 doggies - Jake and Lucy, has topped ONE THOUSAND POUNDS !

I have a feeling that I am going to be the oldest person there on Sunday while Tyler will be the youngest.  Tyler has achieved ore sponsorship than any of us.

It's two weeks since the success of our Frog Challenge. I know for certain that Sunday's Big Fun Run will be an even bigger success. Just wait and see.

THANK YOU Ann for making it all happen.

THANK YOU to all EIGHTEEN people who are taking part.

I want to take photographs of you all to send to Ronald McDonald House - Evelina in London and to add to our website gallery.

I want all eighteen of you to sign the BRUMMIE OWLS card for Sheffield Wednesday FC and I need your signatures in the OurRebekah autograph book. I will also have special invitations for you all to to come to our Gala Disco Party.

The Brummie Owls card is to go with the presentation we are giving to Sheffield Wednesday Football Club on Saturday 18th November.

A Brummie Owl sponsors every goal the club scores for Ronald McDonald House in Birmingham.

Yesterday I had a meeting with the professional framing company which is putting the two 7" vinyl singles of the clubs adopted anthems into the presentation.

I just know it is going to look fantastic.

I plan to ask the club for permission film the fans singing the anthems and to add the videos to our website.

I have nicked the second anthem from Sheffield Wednesday, well they nicked it from Jeff Beck in the first place, to make a tribute to Ronald McDonald House in Birmingham.

I have a secret ambition to get a group of people together to sing Hi Ho House That Love Built. Also I have a secret ambition to play the air guitar when we make that recording !

Don't know what Jeff Beck will have to say about that !

Tomorrow I have a meeting with The national Trust's Operations Manager at Stowe to discuss the Doggie Treasure Hunt and our Gala Disco. He thinks the events are going to be so big we need to set in place now some restrictions.

The National Trust think that when word gets round we will be flooded with people wanting to come along.

You can find out what is happening for the Gala Disco at and for the doggie treasure hunt at 

I want to make certain that every single one of those running on Sunday can have an invitation if they want to come along.

Forget the charity gala dinners some people run - NOBODY by NOBODY has ever organised anything quite like what will become our GALA DISCO !

Jake and Lucy are organising the Doggie Treasure Hunt which is taking place ahead of the Gala Disco. They are both walking in Sunday's Big Fun Run.

The doggie treasure hunt is being organised to support Ronald McDonald House Birmingham. If we can get 150 dogs walking with each supporting the house with £2 that send £300 to The Mansion of Love aka Ronald McDonald House Birmingham. If every two - legged friend walking his dog makes that £10 we will achieve £1,500.
On the agenda for tomorrow's meeting at The National Trust is the number of people we allow to come to the Gala Disco. While we could accommodate 400 Scott, The Operations Manager, thinks it would be a better event if we restricted numbers to 250. He said it would also make it more exclusive. I agree with him.

Those attending can nominate which of the UK Ronald McDonald Houses they wish to support. If 250 people donate £2 we make £500. If 250 people donate £10 that becomes £2,500. I expect the multi-millionaires who will want to come when they find out who our Guest of Honour is to add a few zeros after the £2 so £10,000 should not be an unrealistic target.

That Frog Challenge set the bar for OurRebekah events at a high level. I just know that Sunday's Big Fun Run organised by Ann is going to raise it even higher.

Everything we achieve is down to our founder - ANN.

On behalf of Rebekah's family let me say the BIGGEST POSSIBLE THANK YOU TO YOU ANN.

I had a chat on the phone yesterday with LINNY from Ronald McDonald House in Bristol.

Forgive me if I get names a bit muddled, I am getting on in years you know.

LINNY is from the Bristol House. Libby is the House Manager in Birmingham.

LILY is the main character in the book I am writing for The Birmingham House. LINNY - LIBBY - LILY..........


I am !

LINNY and I got our diaries out and arranged for me to drive down to Bristol on Wednesday 8th November. I am so much looking forward to that day.

On Sunday I am going to persuade those of you in The Big Fun Run to take one of our rockets to fire on Beck's birthday next February. This OurRebekah project is being run for the Bristol House.

I have a letter to post this morning, a letter to Trevor the director at Sheffield Wednesday. I am running past him a few ideas for the game on Saturday 18th November, The Brummie Owls and inviting the club to be represented at the Gala Disco party.

I will be taking Champagne into the club for the boys to celebrate their win. On Saturday 18th November the club is playing against - guess who - BRISTOL CITY.  Linny and I will be chatting to see what can be done on the 18th to tell the visiting team all about Ronald McDonald House in Bristol.

I have only shared this with one person, Tony from Secklow 105.5. If you have not already heard this extract from one of his shows check this out.

It is Tony who will be making the presentation on behalf of OurRebekah to Sheffield Wednesday on November 18th,.

Tony, right in the picture on the keft - does that confuse you, is seen here with The Mayor of Milton Keynes. The ugly old git is Yours Truly.

Tony is the only person I have shared this with so far but what the heck - let's make his public.

Prior to the Frog Challenge I had a 60 year phobia of frogs. They do not scare me any more.

I also have a fear of high buildings. I suggested to Ronald McDonald House Birmingham that I set myself a challenge to overcome that fear and to be sponsored for the house. I plan to make that challenge happen in January. I want to do it twice, once for Birmingham and once for Bristol

My third challenge and this is NOT a fear, is to be the guest at Sheffield's music desk for 30 minutes ahead of a game.  I want to DJ a pre-match music session and to lift the crowd to a level of excited anticipation. Preferably to do this at next season's Steel City Derby against Sheffield United.

Well Trevor you did say TELL ME WHAT MORE WE CAN DO TO HELP !

Do you think, Trevor, I could be very cheeky and borrow Sheffield Wednesday's 'bus to bring all of those taking part in Saturday's Big Fun Run to sing with me as I play the music ?

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