Friday 13 October 2017

Keep On Running - The Spencer Davis Group

It is a rare thing for me to be lost for words.  Once or twice in a decade perhaps.

I cannot think what the postman thought when he put this through my letterbox. The Royal Crest and a postmark of Buckingham Palace.

The letter inside is very simple, it is a beautiful letter from a lady Trisha Windsor. Within the letter she says Rebekah was a wonderful person with a truly remarkable story. I know that to be true, of course, but to read it in such a letter left me feeling very humble and proud. Perhaps we will have royal patronage at our Gala Disco Party next May, who knows, but that letter meant so much to me yesterday it actually silenced me.

Time now to stop being silent, time now to explain that the letter may have been addressed to me but the love within it is for us all. It's the same with everything within OurRebekah, that's why I call the blog THE WAVE OF LOVE. I need to share the love that pours in every day with you all.

We received an e-mail yesterday:

Hi David
Many thanks for the message and your kind words.
So pleased that the little things mean so much.
Thank you also for the lovely letter you sent this week.
The awareness hopefully continues to grow and everything we can do to help is yours.
Let’s hope for three more points on Saturday.
Regards  Trevor

Trevor Braithwait
Director of Communications
Sheffield Wednesday
S6 1 SW

I tell you Trevor is a special guy. 30,000 people singing is hardly a little thing. The support that football club has give to what we are doing  is beyond measure.

So let me start today's report with our Brummie Owls project. Kick Off is at 3pm today against Bolton. Please support Ronald McDonald House in Birmingham by cheering on the team. 

Visit our Brummie Owls web pages, go to: 

The thank you cards to players who score the goals today will not be sent by myself, moving the project forward for each game these will now be sent from the team at The Mansion of Love in Birmingham.

I guess next week I had better start planning The Big Smile Cup.  You can check out the initial thinking at:   Next week, I guess, I had better to and see the Operations Director at MK Dons, link the page into the website and make this an official OurRebekah project. No matter which team you support I am going to need some help making this happen. Offers ?
Something else which is in the pending tray and needs to be taken forward and added to the website as a fully operational project.

I have not told Trevor at Sheffield about this guy and to be honest I have not properly looked inside the club's 150 anniversary programme yet to see if he is mentioned.

Clark Brelsford played for Wednesday more than one hundred years ago. He is a real character but I have brought him into Chapter Two of The Bridge House in a little bit of fiction.

I have now edited Chapter One:  Thank You Tony and Susan for checking it out and THANK YOU for your encouraging comments.  I am working through Chapter Two and just at the point where Clark appears in the story.

It's a busy week-end, I will try to do some more work on the text but can not promise. The Bridge House is another Birmingham project.

Tony from Secklow 105.5 is making the OurRebekah presentation to Sheffield Wednesday next month.  Last week he spoke about an old BBC Radio programme. Tony I smiled but said nothing. When it comes to editing Chapter Three of The Bridge House this gets a mention !

As well as being involved in our Sheffield Wednesday project Tony is helping with The Gala Disco party next Spring. He and DJ Graham are coming to dinner at the end of the month to brainstorm ideas for what is going to be the biggest event OurRebekah has ever organised.

Do you listen to Tony's programme on the radio ?  - you will love the music.  CHECK IT OUT
I told Tony that if I could have my time again I would like to be a DJ on a pirate radio station. (Sorry those damn geeks at Google are screwing up the blog's page formatting AGAIN !)

I told Tony that if I could have my time again I would like to be a DJ on a pirate radio station. NO, that is not a recent fantasy. It's more than a year since my book where I do become a pirate radio DJ was published.

It is not one of my better books so I'll nit give you the e-book link.

Another chapter in that book takes me into World War One where I become one of the characters in Chapter Two of The Bridge House. 

I started the blog today by saying I was lost for words. Not any more. DAVID YOU ARE RAMBLING - stop it !

Tomorrow is The Big Fun Run. Not sure how much RUNNING I will be doing but for me this is going to be a very, very special event.  It is the biggest event in the diary. It is possible I may be lost for words again. Rebekah's friends coming together for this special event you have organised.  We have done a lot with OurRebekah and have so much planned but this is THE event. A billion thanks to Ann for making this happen. A billion, billion thanks to all who are taking part.

To end the blog today can I play those of you who will be at THE BIG FUN RUN something by The Spencer David Group. You are all far too young to remember this but here you go.

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