Wednesday 25 October 2017

I believe in Farther Christmas

Yesterday the blog had 98 readers, we did not quite make the ton as I named and shamed some discourteous and bad-mannered people.

I do not like negative things, today's blog is very positive.

Allow me to introduce you to someone you probably recognise - FATHER CHRISTMAS or for our colonial cousins in the US of A Santa.

He is a real person you know, of course he is. Well I for one believe in Father Christmas. 

He exists in the hearts and love of people who make his time of the year special.

NO, I do not mean the money-grabbing retailers who think Christmas begins in September but REAL people, REAL people like you here reading these words.

We have given way to our American friends and called this our SECRET SANTA project.

Yesterday another gift came along to put into Santa's Sack for families who will have children sick in hospital over Christmas.

When you do your Christmas shopping, or did you do it back in September, will you spend a little bit of money and a lot of love and buy a gift to add to Santa's sack ?

I am looking at my diary:

FRIDAY 15th December I am thinking I may transform my car into a sleigh, hitch Rudolph to the front then drive to Bristol and deliver the Secret Santa gifts to Ronald McDonald House.

Monday 18th December let's make an early start to be at Ronald McDonald House in Birmingham by 10am then drive on to Ronald McDonald House Alder Hey in Liverpool.

I'll go as Father Christmas aka Santa, who would like to come with me as Elves ?  Be my little helpers.

If we took the gifts ourselves wouldn't that show more love than having a courier company make the delivery ?

We could pack the boot of the car with mince pies for the staff and volunteers at the houses.

No big thing, just turn up unannounced, hand over the gifts and go. That's Santa's way isn't it ?

Would you be up for coming with me ?  Would you be one of my Elves ?

First of all we need to fill Santa's sack. We need 21 gifts for Bristol, 61 for Birmingham and 69 for Liverpool. Do the Maths - 21+61+69 = 151  At the moment Santa's Sack has 22 gifts - we need another 129.

Watch the video above.

Check out the Secret Santa project:

Go and buy your gift to put in Santa's Sack.

Check your diary.

Find an Elf costume - OH YES WE ARE ALL GOING IN COSTUME - then come with Santa to take love from OurRebekah to families with a child sick in hospital.

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