Wednesday 25 July 2018

Get your surfboard ready

Get your surfboard ready - there is a big wave coming !

Yesterday was a day INSPIRING support for The Food Bank.

Today we are starting to INSPIRE love for our wonderful NHS.

THREE of us are writing today's blog - try to guess who is saying what !

The clock shows 9.07am. That was the time when West Bletchley Community Centre became a collection point for The Food Bank.

Very much at the heart of its local community for more than fifty years we expect a lot of love to come from this extra special place.

We are setting up as series of Food Bank collection points which we will manage.

They don't call me the Cherio Kid for nothing ! Yummy breakfast with Mrs Cherio Kid.

We have both been given so much love from The Food Bank it is now time to start repaying.

David went to Bletchley and Fenny Stratford Council  who have so kindly agreed to our using Bletchley Bandstand for three Rock and Roll parties in the Autumn. We will be collecting tins, packets AND Cheerios for The Food Bank.

The Wave of Love flows in TWO directions.

They don't call him The Geriatric DJ for nothing !

I will not write what David is saying here in the second picture. I think it is a physical impossibility to put that crutch where he wanted me to !

Shut up Josh. I bet I could surf any wave with these crutches !

Look at these wonderful James Bond collectibles Lisa has given us to sell. I guess I had better play some James Bond music.

I thought you said you were going to play something about a Harley Davidson.

In a minute Josh.... BE PATIENT.

Is that you on a Harley Davidson David ?

Josh you put pictures like that on the page and it will be you who needs the crutches !

Just play that song will you David !

And here it is on vinyl !  From our very own collection.

David writing again now.

I had a text message from The Blood Donors yesterday. The blood I donated on 5th July has been used to treat a patient in Margate.

I love our NHS, my family owes so much to our wonderful National Health Service.

It's probably the same for every family in the country, David.

Yes, Josh you are right.

At two o'clock this afternoon I am meeting with the Chairman of Governors for University Hospital Milton Keynes to chat over ways our music can help.

At our car boot sales we have our collecting box for The Food Bank but we also promote blood and organ donation.

We have ideas which after today's meeting we can start to put into action.

When we hold the Rock and Roll Parties at Bletchley Bandstand we want to invite DJs from Milton Keynes Hospital Radio to help play the music. We will then have collecting buckets out for  the station.

We would like to take our music to blood donor sessions, playing gentle background songs to relax the donors. At the moment the sessions use a radio tuned to a national station.

Secret Santa was our number one success in 2017. This year we want to include THREE
hospitals this year: Birmingham's Childrens Hospital, Sheffield Childrens' Hospital and Ward Five in Milton Keynes Hospital.

We will start collecting gifts on 1st November 2018.

We are going to need a lot of gifts, we are going to need a lot of love if Santa is going to ride our wave !

You can surf OK Santa ?

With LOVE Santa can do anything !

We will launch our music advent calendar on 1st December.

Here's a quickie from last year...

We hope to convince Sheffield Wednesday, MK Dons and Aston Villa to stage a Santa Dash at their stadiums for the three hospitals.  David and Josh will lead the Santas while Mrs Josh takes the photographs.

Hey, we could give every Santa a box of Cherios.

Josh you do have some daft ideas.

Well if Santa does not like Cheerios I could eat them !

So starting to put all of that together is today's work.

When we organise any event we never take a single penny from what we do to cover costs.  CLICK HERE for our boot
sale accounts which fund our projects.

One of our supporters suggested we open an Amazon Wish List to help get the things we need to deal with operational and running costs. THANK YOU PAUL FOR THE SUGGESTION.

CLICK HERE to check it out.

So there's a little update on yesterday and thinking for today. THANK YOU for your support.

Remember this picture from last Saturday's boot sale at The Irish Centre - Josh aka The Cherio Kid sold a lot of umbrellas. I have been wanting to play this song for him ever since.

He also had Bourbon Biscuits to sell but ate them all. Do they taste like Cherios then ?

David, I bet that song is even older than you are !

David - you are meant to surf NOT paddle !

Thank you Josh.  Mrs Josh can't you keep him under control ?

Let's play out with the Radio Love International Theme Tune.

Have a super day - surf the wave of love.
David  Josh  Jelena

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