Thursday 5 July 2018

Sing along with Adam and take POT LUCK

What was the first LP album you owned ?

This was mine. The original vinyl was lost years ago but recently I got a replacement copy from ebay, As I write today's blog I will play all of the tracks from the album.

So here we go with WONDERFUL TIME. Not sure I am actually having a wonderful time but here we go.

I'm a bit disappointed that only one person made a comment on yesterday's page when I was chatting about blood donations. We had only 35 people check it out. As I have been discussing the Radio Love LET'S INSPIRE projects we have lost much of our international readership and those in Britain are mainly local based. Does that matter ?  I am not sure. Anyway I donated my 21st pint of blood yesterday. Are you a blood donor ?

This time tomorrow I will be getting ready for the Saturday Car Boot Sale at The Bletchley Irish Centre, planning to be there for about 6am and to stay there until it winds down.  Please pop by and say HI. If anyone could lend a hand for a while that would be fantastic.

I am hoping to make £100 tomorrow but that could be a bit ambitious.  THANK YOU to Paula for her kindness and to all for donating stuff to sell.

Providing I have enough left to sell I will be lining up at 4.30am on Sunday for a second sale at Milton Keynes Bowl.  It was fun there last week.  Again I would not say NO to a bit of help if anyone fancies coming along.

It would be good if we could make £200 across both events. Money raised will be used to support Josh and Jelena and to fund the Radio Love Let's Inspire projects.

A quick check of the finances for the money raised last week.

Put this date in your diary.....Saturday 6th October 7pm to 10pm DROP IN Pot Luck Supper. LITTLE BRICKHILL VILLAGE HALL.  ALL WELCOME.

What the heck is a Pot Luck Super ?  It's an American idea but a good one.  People prepare a dish or a pot of food, hot or cold - sweet or savory, they bring it to the table for people to share. Everyone then takes POT LUCK as to what they get. To wash it all down bring a bottle of wine or a can of beer. If you are like me and do not drink Pepsi Max is fine.

This is a LEONITE reunion but ALL are welcome. We would like this to be a family evening so bring the kids. Drop in any time at all between 7pm and 10pm and take POT LUCK.

During the evening we will share ideas for Radio Love's LET'S INSPIRE projects in our city. We could not get the hall for an evening in September as we had hoped as it is closed for refurbishment. This means we will need to put back the start of Let's Inspire by a month but that probably is not a bad thing. 

NO boot sales 14th/15th July - I am away on holiday. I can't wait !  There will be a sale on Saturday 21st July. On Sunday 22nd we are at Willen Hospice Family Fun Day. WE NEED SOME HELP ON THAT DAY. Offers ?

I hope you enjoyed Adam singing as you read today 's blog.  Tomorrow I am going to play my favourite album of all time. To WHET you appetite here's a track.....

Now have a wonderful day. 

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