Sunday 8 July 2018

Let's Talk Love

Radio Love............

Taking music into the community to help people smile, be happy and support good causes.

Can I use today's page to pull a lot of things together and while doing this to make sure everything is double wrapped in love.

I was very pleased with the money we made at Saturday's boot sale but was disappointed with yesterday.  These boot sales, yesterday was number three in the diary, are being held to find the money we need to kick-start Radio Love's LET'S INSPIRE projects and to support our special friends Josh and Jelena.

Let's get the boring bit out of the way.  Here's the accounts for the boot sales so far.

When I was at the head office of Shearings a few weeks ago for the naming of Coach Rebekah I had a deep conversation
with the Managing Director of Shearings, all about brand awareness.

I have talked about using the boot sales not only to make money but also to support the Let's Inspire Projects. OK, but let's do something about it.

Instead of just sticking bits of paper on things to sell then
scribbling a price, let's make some proper price labels and raise our brand awareness.

The kind lady at Saturday's boot sale asked if we could put up a display to tell people who we are and what we are doing. Let's spend some of the cash balance to buy printing ink and do just that.

There will not be any sales next week-end as I am away on holiday. While I am so much looking forward to the break there is a weakness in the system if everything depends on me.   

There were people at yesterday's boot sale who were clearly doing this for a living. What would you call a living ?  £300 a week £400 ?

I was feeling sorry for myself yesterday.  It was hot. I was not taking much money. I was on my own with no help, no support and nobody to chat to while the customers were avoiding me.

The phone rang.  It was Josh saying he and Jelena were on their way to the bowl. They were WALKING !  I've just checked it out, a three and a half mile walk on what so far has been the hottest day of the year. 

That's friendship isn't it ?  That's love isn't it ?

YEH WELL, loads of the boot sale money is going to them anyway isn't it ! Is that what you are saying ?

Josh is unable to work on medical grounds. Because he can
not produce a utility bill for where he lives in Milton Keynes Council temporary accommodation he is unable to process a claim for benefits. Failing Milton Keyens Council, fully aware of the situation, has does SOD ALL to help !

You will see in the accounts £25 for MK Council service charge.  It took more effort for me to process a housing
benefit claim for Josh than climbing the North face of The Eiger !

Fully knowing the man has ZERO income outside that friends give him Milton Keynes Bastard Council imposes an £11 a week service charge.  Service ?  Milton Keyens Council ! Unwittingly Josh built up a massif arrears.  He received a letter threatening to evict him and Jelena, to make them homeless rough sleepers again if they did not pay up !

Fortunately, a week ago I was able to negotiate a repayment plan and that's what the £25 in the accounts refers to.

DO NOT believe the propaganda Milton Keynes FAILING Council has recently put into the media about its fantastic plan to end rough sleeping in the city.  IT IS BULLSHIT !  The figures quoited are inaccurate.  The staff and the systems do not have 10% of the ability to deliver on the promise !

So can we take our boot sales to a level were they give this lovely couple who have been to more RADIO LOVE events than anyone else a proper regular income ?  Could we also take these boot sales to a level where they give us all the funding we need for the Let's Inspire Projects ?

PLEASE make sure you put SATURDAY 6th October into your diary. 7pm to 11pm, a drop in put luck supper at Little Brickhill Village Hall. An evening to begin our Let's Inspire projects. Unfortunately this is a few weeks later than we would have liked but we need more time to bring lots of things together.

John, the head of The Food Bank, is on holiday and I am away next week so getting things rolling are on a bit of a delay. CLICK HERE for the plan.

Today the committee of a community centre in Milton Keynes will debate my request that it becomes a collection point for the food bank.  Do you belong to a social, sports or anything
else for that matter club ?

Could you twist arms to become a Food Bank collection point. We are not looking for massif collections but lots of small LOVING places.  We will co-ordinate picking up gifts and take them to the Food Bank warehouse so not adding more work to their schedule.

I do not think that making our boot sale a collection point
would work but we could give out our smilie LOVE stickers for people to take away and add to cans and packets later.

What do you think ?

Time for some more music.

It would be so easy to make our boot sales somewhere to promote blood and organ donation.


Yesterday a lovely lady commented on my HIPPIE trousers.  We chatted and I told her the story of my sponsored haircut.

Gary is working on a return to San Francisco, I am growing my hair for 2019's sponsored haircut on Sunday 19th May.

How about this.

We will have my sponsored haircut and we will have a sponsored walk across The Golden Gate Bridge.

We do not actually collect any sponsors but off this to any good cause or charity to bolt into their fund raising.  We could promote that at the boot sales couldn't we ?

Not sure how we could bring in the writing project to the boot sales !

Today Jelena is going to start proof reading the text for my latest book.  8,760 words so far and there's more waiting to be typed up.

805 people have read the text on-line so far. CLICK HERE to have a read.

Yes, this is a love story and YES it is set, in part at least, in San Francisco.  I've not got to that bit yet !

OMG I know EXACTLY how we take this Let's Inspire project to the boot sales.

Let's make the boot sales a centre for people to share their memories for the community writing project LEGENDS OF A GREAT CITY !

Brilliant idea if I say so myself.

There is no boot sale next week-end as I am away.  We need HELP to make our dreams come true. Things can not stop if I am away.

It's a bit obvious isn't it ?  We could use the boot sales to find people to work with us.  I am particularly keen to get teenagers involved.  Wouldn't it be great to have some teenagers in the mascot costumes at these sales ?

Probably not such a good idea on a day like yesterday.... HEAT EXHAUSTION.

There will be a boot sale on Saturday 21st July at The Irish Centre.  No boot sale on Sunday 22nd July as we will be at Willen Hospice's Family Fun Day.  Gary Marling I will contact you today to sort this out.

Then we can start regular weekly events both on Saturday and Sunday.

So can we raise an average of £400 a week across the two events ?  £400 of love ?  All we need are things to sell - ANYTHING ! (Anything legal of course LOL he he he.)

Could we take our bubble machine to the sales and blow some bubbles of love.  Need to get the generator fixed - AGAIN !

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