Saturday 21 July 2018

I am glowing with pride

Normally I write the blog at 4am, try to publish it before six then start my day. Today I am writing this page yesterday, 2pm Saturday 21st July. Actually it's 3.17pm.  I started writing then Jelena called and asked me to dive up to her's and Josh's home to pick up a load of extra stuff she had collected for TOMORROW'S Boot Sale. 

Or is that TODAY's Boot Sale ?

But let's talk about today. We made £56.75, a bit less than we had hoped for but it was very quiet at The Bletchley Irish Centre Boot Sale. Quiet unless you passed by our stall !

Here we are setting up at 5.45am.  I don't think that Josh knew such a time existed in the day.  He said he woke up and 4am and SLOWLY got dressed.

The picture below shows how slowly or perhaps he was just not awake !

Never mind Josh's socks I can not find words big enough to tell you want a fantastic morning we had.  We laughed,
fooled about, told jokes, played music, engaged with other stallholders and the public.  If you could have bottled the atmosphere around us those bottles would have sold for a kings ransom.

Josh kept telling everyone it was going to rain so they had better buy one of our umbrellas QUICK !

He sold FIVE.

Here's Jelena with our number one customer of the day.

Josh was playing our Black Lace CD on the car stereo when our friend here kept bidding to buy it.

We couldn't let it go could we ?

So here's a track from the album.

You just about see here see some of the fun inflatable music toys we had, gifts kindly donated by a supporter.

Mum and Granny came by, spent a lot of money. The boy and girl who were with them wanted one of our inflatable instruments but Mum and Gran said No.  They kept playing with them. Josh looked at me and I looked at him then together we said THEY ARE YOURS.

Our number one customer, who we did not sell the Black Lace CD to, asked if Josh and I would bring our twin deck to a party. He would pay us. So as well as the £56.75 cash The Geriatric DJ and The Eternal Teenager are going out on the road.

I was playing this song.....................

No way are you old enough to remember the original of this song, one lady said. 

How old do you think I am then ?

About Fifty !

YEP it was a fantastic morning. I'll be sixty-eight in November.

If you add Josh's age and Jelena's age together I can still give them ten years.

We had a big display board showing all the music events we have attended over the past seven months. San Francisco was there so when I found this in a box of junk I just had to wear it and play something from 1967 and the Summer of Love.

Josh confiscated it and put it in his hair !


Our fooling about certainly kept everyone entertained.

We had a pair of shoes with vicious spikes on the soles. Josh wasn't sure what they were. I explained they had two uses, one to walk up and down the lawn to punch air holes into the grass OR as football boots for Sheffield United players !

As well as raising cash to help fund our Let's Inspire projects we were also promoting The Food Bank and Blood & Organ Donations.

You know what ? 

We did a good job !

As we packed up and made ready for home something strange happened. Each one of us, without any co-ordination or planning, turned to the other two and thanked them for a happy morning.

Josh Morgan.....

Mrs Josh....

I can not begin to tell you how proud I am of you both.

Look how far you have come since January.

But that is a tiny fraction of how far you are going to go.

I am glowing with pride and admiration for you - my two WONDERFUL, WONDERFUL and AMAZING  friends.

So that was Saturday. We made £56.75. Sunday we are going to do it all again.  The car is packed and ready to head to Milton Keynes Bowl. Josh and Jelena are going to WALK from their home in Central Milton Keynes to the bowl, three and a half miles. They say they will be there between six and seven in the morning.

Sunday we need to make £$143.25 to hit our target of £200.

THANK YOU to Paula who helped with The Irish Centre pitch. THANK YOU everyone who gave us stuff to sell. We need more STUFF for next week-end. Back at The Irish Centre on Saturday and The Bowl on Sunday.  Please turn out your cupboards, sheds and lofts. Give us your junk so we can inspire it into money for good causes.

And to close now with Radio Love's anthem.. YES we did play that yesterday. or is that today ?

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