Sunday 22 July 2018

Too fed up to write a blog today

I wasn't going to write a blog today ! PAST TENSE - 6.33am and here I am writing today's page.

I have had troubled nights sleeping for the past two nights - aka nightmares. Feeling sorry for myself as recent blog pages have not been receiving the usual Facebook support and wondering if it is all worthwhile ! The plan is for me to retire in November 2020 when I am 70 years old, have been wondering if I should bring it forward to July 2018 !?!

What do you think ?

As of this morning the total readership of the blog since it first started has reached 65,933 !

Here are some pics from yesterday's car boot sale. It was so hot !  We made £108.96 less the pitch fee of £8 giving us £100.96. On Saturday we made £56.75 so that's a total of £165.71. Not quite our target of £200 but not bad.


Thing is we need more, LOTS more, for next week-end so PLEASE will you turn out your cupboards, garage, garden shed and loft to keep our sales tables full.

The money from these sales is being used to fund our Let's Inspire Projects but if I can not inspire people to help me, to
work with me within everything then what's the point ?

Early retirement could be the right thing !

I don't want that ?  Perhaps I had better change the angle of attack and see if I can INSPIRE the support needed for the projects to launch in the autumn.
There is no music on today's blog. NOT a single NOTE. Usually I select things to play and slot them between the text and the pictures. Perhaps I should play HOT HOT HOT here
for Jelena trying to keep out of the sun but NO MUSIC TODAY.

From now on the songs we play will be those YOU request. NO requests from blog readers will mean SILENCE on the page so start sending them to me to play. Make your request on Facebook or drop me an e-mail

People loved Andy's Weatherline but during the summer this is not running  It will be returning when Andy takes doggie for a walk in the dark and cold each day.

In the early days of the blog I ran a feature THOUGHT FOR
THE DAY. It was a bit of a chore finding an inspirational image and words seven days a week.

How about changing this to WEEKLY WISE WORDS ?

Would someone like to take on the job of sending me the picture and quote to include each week ?

So YOU decide the music we play - SOMEONE comes up with the wise words and in the autumn ANDY will be returning with WEATHERLINE.

When  I look to see who has liked the blog and sadly now a little bit infrequently taken time to post a comment on Facebook, I always look to see what friends have been up to.  I tend to skip the negative posts and ride over the self-indulgent 
overkill but get a THRILL looking at pictures many of you put up.

Here are three posts which caught my eye today. I LOVE THEM.

How about I pick out a few each day and add them for our readers inspiration ?


Will these ideas to slightly change the blog get any comments ?  Who will request music for tomorrow ? Who will become our WISE WORDS EDITOR ?

Will the blog INSPIRE the support we need for our community projects ?

Retirement November 2020 ? Early retirement July 2018 ?


I will be sorting dates for the Bletchley Bandstand Rock and Roll parties for the Food Bank.

I have a meeting on Thursday with the Chairman of Milton Keynes Hospital's board.

I need to fix a meeting with Mike at Radio CRMK.

Then I have two more boot sales.

Will you support me ? November 2020 or July 2018 ?

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