Thursday 26 July 2018

I need some superglue !

Can you spot the mistake in this picture ?

It should read WELCOME TO THE AMAZING, WONDERFUL, FANTASTIC, INCREDIBLE, MILTON KEYNES UNIVERSITY HOSPITAL (Apologies for the fact that Google Blogger is screwing up the formatting on this page - AGAIN !)

Once upon a time there was a field near to Eaglestone in the New City of Milton Keynes within which stood a giant question mark sculptured out of fibre glass and a board on which was written MILTON KEYNES IS DYING FOR A HOSPITAL.

During the late 1970's and early 1980's The Milton Keynes Hospital Action Group and residents of the new city could never have, even in their wildest dreams, thought our city
would have such an incredible, wonderful, amazing, fantastic, hospital.

Yesterday afternoon I spent time with Simon, The Chairman of Governors at the hospital. That was a special time. We talked over so many ideas within which we can LOVE OUR NHS. 

Josh and I will get into training for the SANTA DASH.

We plan three Santa Dashes in September at three different football clubs to support three different hospitals - Birmingham Childrens Hospital, Sheffield Childresns Hospital and Ward Five Milton Keynes Hospital.

This is just one idea to LOVE OUR NHS and to raise the profile of the wonderful work done within it.

A few blogs ago I was worried we would not be able to generate the support we need to realise the ambitions we have in our LET'S INSPIRE projects.

For the past three days Josh and Jelena have been at my house working with me to turn ambitions into reality.  I think I am going to go out and buy some SUPERGLUE to stick their bottoms to chairs. There has been no stopping them ! We have achieved so much this week.

3.44am - I want to sleep - I need to sleep but there is thunder in the air and Lucy Dog can not sleep, she is terrified of thunder so insists on being downstairs.

PLEASE Mr Weatherman can we be spared the thunder until
Monday. There is a Yellow Weather Warning in place for the week-end.

So many people have given us so much to sell at this week-end's boot sales. Jelena piled it high in the front room then yesterday evening another wonderful friend popped by with even more.

Josh and I have set a target of £200 for the boot sales on Saturday at Bletchley Irish Centre and Sunday at Milton Keynes Bowl. If the weather is good we will thrash that target. You name it - we've got it !

Josh and I put this item on Facebook hoping we may sell it and not need to put such a large item in the car. IT'S BRAND NEW and still packed in the box. I didn't expect anything to come of this but HEY people are bidding. CLICK HERE and check the post.

I have heard that it is Thunder and Lightning proof !

What will you bid ?

We had a telephone call yesterday from Bletchley and Fenny Stratford Council. The plans we have for Rock and Roll Parties at Bletchley Bandstand is outside the council's policy for the bandstand. The council is going to have to change the policy to accommodate us but they are such lovely people I am not particularly expecting any problems. So for
now we will be planning the three music days in October, November and December but can not say they are happening. Does that make sense ?

As well as collecting tins for The Food Bank at the bandstand we want to promote our NHS but more of that once the council has adapted its policy to accommodate us.

4.02am - it is so hot here.  The doors to the garden are open, we could do with a thunderstorm to clear the air but PLEASE not tomorrow or on Sunday !

Here's Lucy fast asleep at my feet. I do not have the heart to disturb her and take myself back to bed.

Chatting to Simon at the hospital yesterday he was saying how the heatwave is hard for both staff and patients in the hospital.

I didn't catch the TV news yesterday but Josh saw it and said there were predictions for temperatures today in excess of one hundred degrees !

Let's have a quick peep at the stats for the blog. 66,281 total readership since the blog started. 103 readers yesterday.

Our TOP FIVE reads are:

11th March - 2,000
15th April - 1576
19th May - 1,233
5th April - 1,155
14th May - 1,099

Our blog does have a lot of power doesn't it ?

Yesterday I talked about INSPIRING support for The Food Bank. Today I am praising our incredible NHS.  We want also to INSPIRE people to write and we want to INSPIRE change for the homeless and rough sleepers in our city. Thinking for those areas of love will appear in another edition.

4.32am - I need to sleep a bit.  My to co-workers Josh and Jelena and I have a MEGA day ahead of us so a bit more shut eye would be good.

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