Monday 16 November 2020


Yesterday on this diary page I said that each morning at four o'clock my head filles with ideas, this is my inspirational hour. So it was BIG TIME this morning. But more of that later.

Trialing how many words I can comfortably write in a day as I plan the possible project to write one million words across the year 2021, yesterday I hit 3,184 words.

 Friday 13th November 2,672

Saturday 14th November 2,829 

Sunday 15th November 3,184  

Those words took me to the end of THE KA OF TIMOTHY FORD-NEWMAN. Today I have to check the text ahead of pubication on my AMAZON BOOKSHELF.

As I wrote I had my headphone on listening to a special compilation on YouTube. That music injected inspiration to
my words, all three thousand one hundred and eight-four of them.

I also used Google to find some images of children in Vietnam during the war. I feature them all in the chapter.

I would like to include one of the images here at this point but Google Blogger is totally useless at oage formatting so I will add all three later.

First here is that pice of music.

And now for the pictures:


And one more:

So what about the inspirational hour ?

Following the publication of THE KA OF TIMOTHY FORD-HAMILTON I have sitting waiting for

me an idea for a new work BILLY WESTALL. (PLEASE NOTE - Google Blogger is again screwing up the page formatting !  Where do companies like this find their thick stupid design geeks ?)

I knew what the book is to be about. I am writing it for my grandson, Adam. I had even written the opening few words. Here they are:

Billy Westall had won his schools essay prize for three years running but he wanted more. A lot more.

What I did not have is what Andrew Lloyd-Webber calles THE WAY IN. At 4am as I was slowly waking up this morning the WAY IN filled my head and I can not wait to start writing.

Perhaps that will be today but I have first to publish THE KA OF TIMOTHY FORD-NEWMAN.

I have shown that I am able to write one million words across 2021 but for it to happen I have to have a strong and dedicated support team around me.

More of that as the week progresses.

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