Tuesday 24 November 2020

KISSES FOR OUR NHS - Lots to share today

THANK YOU to all who have been reading this page each day. I have a lot to share today.

Firstly I have decised to name the 2021 writing project KISSES FOR OUR NHS. I have purchased the domain name nhskisses.com but have not finished writing the website yet. You can check out things so far by CLICKING HERE.

I have run out of printing ink so as soon as Morrissons is open I will be buying more so I can print off invitations to post to:

  • Sheffield Childrens Hospital
  • The Churchill Hospital - Oxford
  • Alder Hey Hospital - Liverpool
  • Great Ormond Street Hospital

I am also hitting the media in the hope it will support the project.

STOP PRESS:  Morrissons have no ink cartridges - had to order on-line. Hope I get a quick delivery.

My 4am moment came today at 4.35am - bit late. On the website I explain how I got into writing as a teenager and walk through some of

the steps I took to become an Amazon writer. Within the writing accross 2021 I will be visiting the home of Agatha Christie and of 
Daphne du Maurier, I plan to visit the grave of Saumuel Peeps and many icons and story settings which have brought me where I am. 

At 4.35am I was hit with the idea for a book to add to the project walking readers through these steps and doing my best to inspire them to start writing for themselves.

I am spending a lot of time structuring a plan within which I can work across 2021 and achieve the one million words. I think it will work.

Incase the hospitals do not catch on I have PLAN B which I will share tomorrow, a plan where I find individual supporters who will manage a donation page for a hospital.

I worte 1,554 word yesterday for my current book BILLY WESTALL. This will be the last book before I start blowing the kisses for our NHS.

More later:...............................

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