Wednesday 25 November 2020

New friendrs needed

I need to roll out Plan B  for NHSkisses. My best friend Jake is helping me with one book for 2021 - JAKE'S DOGGIE BLOG.

Jake The Dog, Jake The Dog - There's No One Quite Like Jake The Dog !

Unfortunately Jake does know how to use a laptop and he does not use social media. DO YOU ?  Will you become my friend ?

I am running a bit behind schedule setting up this project. Basically I ran out of printing ink, Morrissons did not have any in  stock so I turned to my usual on-line supplier where I ordered £70's worth. Normally theirs is a next day delivery but now they have changed to THREE WEEKS ! I ordered another £70 from Amazon which should have turned up yesterday but no show.

This means that I have not been able to get launch material out to three hospitals and some areas of the media. Time is not a pressure right now.

I have been reseraching donation systems and find that some, not all, hospitrals are already

linked in meaning we could go ahead and set up our own donation button. HOWEVER, I can not do this without a designated person for each who will monitor the in come and promote what we are doing.  COULD YOU BE A FRIEND ?

It is colour ink I am out of so I have been able to do some black and white printing.  I have made 12 log books like this on the right, one for each month in which I will keep a record each day accross 2021 of the words written and books published.

I am still working on a file where I can assemble notes for the books, nots I can gram when I
come to write each.  Yesterday, I put on my old school's facebook page the plan for ALBERT THE SNAIL. I left school at 16 years of age and am now an old boy of 70 but there was a tremendous response from my fellow teenagers.

Another school. The first book within the project will be to re-publish IN SEARCH OF THE LEONS so all you Leonites watch this space. 

I have read through the original book from 1991 and will have to add some updates. All will kick off at one second past midnight on Friday 1st January 2021.

LEONITES - will you help an old man ?  Anyone willing to take on managing a donation page

for one of the hospitals ?

My love affair with our NHS is well known and now coming up to 38 years duration. This is no flash in the pan. I am NOT running this project in memory of Rebekah, to do so would be selfish on my part. This project is operating for ALL people EVERYWHERE who have experienced the love of our NHS.

Do you have a special hospiatl which is precious to your family ? TELL ME and I will bring it into the project.

So I need friends, I need lots and lots and lots of friends. I can write one million words, I know I can and of course I will be blowing kisses for our NHS but I need friends to help me blow one million kisses.

I need your friendship.

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