Thursday 12 November 2020


Yesterday I published my thirteenth e-book on Amazon so far this year. I will add two more by the end of 2020 and will top six hundred thoursand words. But that is nothing compared to Agatha Christie who managed to knock out twenty-three works in a single year !

Writing is keeping me very busy during this silly year, I write for fun and always have but while I will never become a best seiing writer I hope that somewhere along the line I can inspire other people to write.

So what was the book I published yesterday ?

Totally different to anything I have done before. Within my head I gererated just over seven hundred quiz questions and assembled them into thirty different subjects for A QUIZ A DAY KEEPS OLD AGE AWAY,  If you fancy testing your own brain the download will cost you 77p. Have a look and dig into your own mind to write some quiz questions tio share with fruends and family.

As I write this blog page I have my headphones on and am listening to a bit of Beethoven, his fifth piano concerto infact.

The picture on my notebook at the top of the page shows two thousand words I scribbled yesterday while listening to beethoven. When I have typed them up this will bring a total of nine thousands words I will have written for THE KA OF TIMOTHY FORD-NEWMAN.

Ka is an Ancient Egyptian words for spirit. When you are asleep and dream your Ka leaves your body and ascends to the astral plane, that is the dream. When you are sedated to undergo an operation then  your Ka again leaves your body. When you die your Ka leaves your body permanently to reside on the astral plane.

In the opening chapter Timothy leaves school with no real idea of a career path. Sleeping that night his Ka flits across a series of scenarios: 1967 The Summer of Love, The Vietnam War, The First World War and Imprisonment. Timothy's Ka decides its career path is that of a doctor. Each chapter finds Tim with a photograph in his pocket.

As the Ka moves chapter by chapter the photograph changes and characters from one time and place move into a different time and place although Timothy does not recognise them.

This is the image I used for 1967 and The Summer of Love: A PICTURE OF FLOWERS

And this is the image for the current chapter I am working on. That chapter has the title: A PHOTOGRAPH OF MUD AND DEATH. Actually for this chapter there are three images which move as the light falls from different directions.

Later today I will type up my notes from yesterday then the picture will change to take Doctor Timothy Ford-Newman to a surgical unit in The Vietnam War.

I won't give away any more of the plot. This book will be completed by the end of the month.

Obviously there is time travel in this story. For my next project which I aim to complete by the

end of the year there will be more time travel.

This book is complete in my head and will cary the title of Billy Westall.

These are to be the opening words: Billy Westall had won his schools essay prize for three years running but he wanted more. A lot more.

I am going to write this for my grandson Adam, himself an aspiring author.

With the thirteen books I have so far written this year, 2020 and two more I will definately top six hundred thousand words. My books can be anything in length from 20,000 to 60,000 words, writing an e-book there is no prescribed length. Not quite the same for traditional form. Agatha christie would have put something like sixty thoudand words into an average novel. Writing 23 in a single year that adds up to 23 x 60,000 = 1,380,000. In all Agatha penned 722 works and sold an estimated four BILLION copies. I

have a long way to go.


Have a look at my LIBRARY SHELF

Then start writing yourself.

Beethoven's piano concerto is coming to an end so before my headphones go silent I will bring this page to an end.


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