Wednesday 18 November 2020

Loving Our NHS

They say you should not count your chickens until they are hatched. Following YESTERDAY'S BLOG PAGE there has been a lot of interest in the writing project I want to undertake across 2021 to support our NHS.

No, you should not count your chickens before they are hatched but it looks now as if this is going to happen.

I am going to write 1,000,000 words across 2021 which I will publish on my  Amazon Bookshelf.  People will sponsr the words for as many hospitals as I can enthuse to be a part of the project.

I am now starting to mail out the presentation inviting people to get onboard. Fingers crossed

and not counting my chickens.

I want to dedicate my life during the year to this project. I will continue my work as a local councillor and as chairman of the police community forum but outside this all of my energy will be given to loving our NHS writing one million words.

On Friday 18th December providing there is enough support to make everything work I will stop counting my chickens and all will then start on Friday 1st January 2021.

The first e-book within the project will be to edit, re-write and re-publish IN SEARCH OF THE LEONS, something I did at Leon School with students in 1991 - 40 years ago.

Having already published my memories from the 1950's - You Never Grow Old With Rock And Roll,  the 1960's - Swinging Through The Sixties, the 1970's - Life Is A Disco So Dance the second 2021 writing project will be to cast my mind back to the 1980's - The Reto Eighties.

But I must not count my chickens before they are hatched. Today I will be contacting University Hospital Miltin Keynes inviting their involvement.

Each hospital will set up its own donation system. I am setting a simple target of £1,000 for each hospital but hope for more. Simply people will donate against my one million words writing.

Do you work in the NHS, does your family have a special story to tell of love from the NHS. Please tell me and let's try to bring your hospital on board.

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