Tuesday 3 November 2020

Thirteen - is that a lucky number ?

Are you following my blog series trying to inspire you to write your own blog and stories ?
HERE IS YESTERDAY'S EDITION Thirteen people read my scribble and twenty checked me out on Facebook.  There should be a new paragraph here but the Google Geeks running blogger will not allow me to insert one. Not until I have babbled long enough to get to the bottom of the picture on the left. LIFE IS A TYPO BUT GEEKS DO NOT HAVE A LIFE SO THEY ARE SIMPLY A MISTAKE.

God I hate geeks but at least I have a new paragraph here. THIRTEEN people checking out yesterday's page, surely that is not an unlucky number.

I have explained how a writer writes for himself and not to make money. That is my philospohy any way but I am going yo experiment. Two of my very special friends are going to try to help me promote and even sell the titles I currently have on Amazon.

There are Amazon Millionairs, the BONUS prize fund for last month stands at $32.7 MILLION which is shared between the top 125 selling writers. That means each will receive a BONUS on top of their royalties of  $261,600 - in real money that's around £200,000 !

So if you start writing you may be in for that EVERY months. Check out the books I have and then start writing yourself.


You Never Grow Old With Rock And Roll - published 10th October 2020 - 77p e-book

Swinging Through The Sixties - published 25th September 2020 - 77p e-book

Life Is A Disco So Dance - published 31st October 2020 - 77p e-book 

The Ramblings Of A Silly Old Man - published 22nd February 2020 - 99p e-book 

Fantasies Of A Geriatric DJ - published 22nd March 2020 - 99p e-book 

Our Rebekah A Love Story From Our NHS - published 13th May 2020 - £1.77 e-book 

Escape From Armageddon - published 14th July 2020 - 77p e-book

Things Were Different In My Day - published  1st March 2017 - £1.99 e-book

The Story Of A Teenage Entrepeneur (Failed) - published 11th April 2017 - £1.99 e-book

Random Memories - published 7th June 2018 - 99p e-book £2.99 paperback

A Trilogy Of Life - published 12th Jubne 2018 - £1.99 e-book


The Case Files Of Dave McDermott - published 3rd March 2017 - 99p e-book

Lottery Of Evil - published 31st March 2020 - £1.99 e-book


The Lonely Ghost - published 19th April 2020 - £1.99 e-book

The Wild Adventures Of Di Central Eating - published 9th March 2017 - 99p e-book

Peter's Magic Fountain Pen - published 6th March 2017 - 99p e-book


Milton Dreams The City That Never Was - published 11th September 2020 - £1.99 e-book £3.99 paperback 

Not The Concrete Cows - published 11th September 2020 - £1.99 e-book £3.99 paperback  


Pip Diamond The Prince Of Rock And Roll - published 11th September 2020 - 99p e-book

The Bridge House - published 28th May 2018 - £1.49 e-book £18.72 paperback

Love That Dare Not Speak It's Name - published 3rd March 2017 - 99p e-book

Two Short Stories From Max Robinson - published 2nd March 2017 - 99p e-book

The Biary Of Billy Hardcastle - published 28th February 2017 - £1,99 e-book

An Interview With Flight Sergeant Billy - published 26th Aoril 2017 - £2.99 e-book


Quantum Mechanics A Time Travel Trilogy - published 4th March 2017 - 99p e-book

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