Wednesday 25 November 2020

Boldmere High School - does anyone remember Mr Fairbairn


Albert the snail - L'escargot Albert

I am going to share this on the Facebook Group of my old school asking if anyone remembers L'escargot Albert so let me explain.

I attended Blodmere High School for Boys in Sutton Coldfield from 1962 to 1967. If any readers were there at the same time as I was do you remember Mr Fairbairn ?

Fairbain was form teacher for 1A1, he taught French and English. Do you remember the little stories he used to tell about a snail Albert ? It was his way of trying to teach French.

I don't speak French, his lessons were not a success for me. In actual fact I hated school, strange how I ended up as a senior member of staff in a large comprehensive school !

Anyway, that is me on the right of the page. the picture was taken in  the area by the Terrapin huts.

Since I was an older teenager writing has been a hobby of mine. My name is David Ashord but I write under the pen-name of Max Robinson. I write for fun and these days publish my scribble as e-books on Amazon. I write for fun but the monthly royalties allows me to enjoy a little treat or two.

Over the year of 2020 - THE YEAR THAT NEVER WAS, I have written some 600,000 words. Accross 2021 I am going to write one million words which I will publish in a minimum of 24 e-books on Amazon. I am doing this to support our amazing NHS.

Please have a look at what I am proposing: 

One of the e-books I am going to have some fun with is Fairbairn's L'escargot Albert. This is not going to be a kids book but a tongue in the cheek series of adventures for old boys like me !

Albert is French, of course he is. The French eat eat snails so when Britain voted to tell the EU to sod off Albert told France to sod off and moved to England.

Part of my planned NHS support will include Good Hope Hospital in Sutton Coldfield.

I wonder if Fairbain is still around. Does anyone know ? I am guessing he would be in his mid eighties.

Mr Fairbairn, if you are still about do you remember L'escargot Albert  ? Have you got any adventures I could include ? When I have finished the e-book some time in 2021 will you spend 77p of your pension to doenload a copy ? Mr F check out my HNS writing project: 

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