Sunday 22 November 2020

Up close and personal - AN UPDATE

When the virus took effect in Britain ten months ago and I was forced to stop the work I was doing in the community I found life hard. Because working with teenagers and the homeless, visiting every week a Food Bank outlet was up close and personal Zoom was of no relevance. How I would LOVE to return to these activities but realistically we are speaking some time in early 2022 before there is any change in the present situation. When the possibility of a vaccine hit the media everyone got excited but now the reality is understood. 

What the government is proposing for Christmas is riddiculous, we can anticipate a huge spike in the New Year. That is a case of up close and personal being negative !

My proposed writing project for 2021, writing one million words in stories to be published on AMAZON with people blowing kisses of love to our NHS hospitals is remote but for it to be a success it must become up close and personal.

I have run out of printing ink so need to order some today then as soon as it is delivered more copies of the projevct propsal will be sent to hospitals bringing the total to ten:

  • University Hospital Milton Keynes
  • Luton And Dunstable Hospital
  • Stoke Manderville Hospital Aylesbury
  • The Churchill Hospital Oxford
  • Good Hope Hospital Sutton Coldfield
  • Alder Hey Hospital Liverpool
  • Sheffield Childrens Hospital
  • Birmingham Childrens Hospital
  • Great Ormond Street Hospital
  • Guys Hospital London

I am very nervous, very worried that within each hospital's administration my proposal will not be given due consideration. What if not a single hospital takes up the challenge ?

I would like to include many more than just ten hospitals but asking on facebook and here on

the blog page for people to come forward and tell me about hospitals which are dear to them has yielded a zero response.

One week today I am asking the media to announce the projects. Will any areas of the media engage ?

Friday 18th December I need to know which hospitals are joining me so I can get ready for 1st January when everything will become up close and personal.

I spent a lot of time yesterday writing a plan so I do not hit 1st January in chaos. I also,

yesterday, purchased the domain name Today and tomorrow I will be writing a website to detail the project and through its duration keeping it up close and personal.

Every day I stop and think that it may be best to abandon the idea and not be left with egg on my face when the hospitals fail to respond to my invitation and te media turns a blind eye. TWENTY-FIVE days for everything to drop into place. Twenty-five days for everything to become up close and personal.

I want to give a year of my life to this project.

If just one hospital becomes involved and makes £1,000 I will be happy.

If ten hospitals join in and each makes £10,000 I will be dlighted.

If fifty hospitals joinn in nand each makes £1,000,000 I will be pinching myself for the rest of my life to check it is real.

FINALLY an apology that Google Blogger has its own geeky idea when it comes to up close and personal - it simnply has no idea when it comes to page formatting.

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