Tuesday 17 May 2022

FYI: Text filing a formal complaint against West Bletchley Council and five specific members.

18th May 2022 

West Bletchley Council

221 Whaddon Way


Milton Keynes MK3 7DZ

Dear Sirs

This is a formal complaint against West Bletchley Council as a public body funded by council tax payers and against four specific members of the council:

Kit Power representing Abbey’s Ward

Ken Rowe representing Scots Ward

Sheri Delfani representing Fairways Ward

Naomi Sinclair representing Rivers Ward

Andy Coaton representing Saints Ward

West Bletchley Council does not place its members’ interests in the public domain, information I would suggest to be relevant in processing this complaint. Any political party membership of the five individuals named within this complaint is relevant and must cease to be hidden.

According to the council’s website the current attendance record for the five individuals here named is as follows:

Kit Power20%

Ken Rowe – 33%

Sheri Delfani – 42%

Naomi Sinclair – 42%

Andy Coaton – 50%

The minimum attendance requirement for a child in school is 90% per term. Less than this figure without sound reason renders the parents liable to action resulting in a fine.

Across its membership of twenty-seven only four West Bletchley councillors have an attendance record which matches the minimum requirement for a child’s school presence.

Councillor Sheri Defalni with her 42% attendance has been appointed by West Bletchley Council to serve as vice-chair of its Community Committee.

Councillor Andy Coaton with his 50% attendance record has been appointed by West Bletchley Council to serve as vice-chair of its Salden Chase Sun-Committee.

Across all committees in no case is there a chair or vice-chair with an attendance record above 89%.

In considering this complaint I ask that the five specific individuals’ appointment to the council be considered; were they elected by public democratic vote or by co-option by existing members ?

Given their unacceptable attendance record I here formally invite Kit Power, Ken Rowe, Sheri Delfani, Naomi Sinclair and Andy Coaton to resign from West Bletchley Council. If they are not prepared so to do I am obliged to ask West Bletchley Council to expel them from its membership based on attendance records.

My complaint against West Bletchley Council is that overall it has allowed no fewer than twenty-three of its twenty-seven members to put in less than 90% attendance at meetings. This complaint extends to every committee chair and vice-chair which has less than a 90% attendance record. A recognised training course exists for council chairs, I would ask if any chair or vice chair of any committee has certified attendance at such ?

My complaint against West Bletchley Council includes the fact that it considers a 42% attendance record by Sheri Delfani to be acceptable for her to serve as vice-chair of the Community Committee and a 50% attendance record by Andy Coaton to be acceptable for him to be vice-chair of the Salden Chase Sub-Committee.

I would reiterate the fact that West Bletchley Council does not place its members’ interests in the public domain. When considering this complaint such interests, specifically political party interest, must be openly taken into account.

I would hope that Kit Power representing Abbey’s Ward, Ken Rowe representing Scots Ward,

Sheri Delfani representing Fairways Ward, Naomi Sinclair representing Rivers Ward and Andy Coaton representing Saints Ward will do the honourable thing by resigning their membership of West Bletchley Council without delay. If such a course of action is not forthcoming within a reasonable time from the date of this letter I would ask that West Bletchley Council expel them from its membership.

I would further ask that West Bletchley Council give consideration to the validity of membership of all with a less than 90% attendance records.

In considering the matters here detailed I believe it is vital members’ interests cease to be hidden, be placed in the public domain and considered central to the processing of this complaint.

Failure on the part of West Bletchley Council to promptly and efficiently deal with this complaint will see such being escalated to higher authority.

Given that West Bletchley Council is funded by the public in order to serve the community it represents I would ask that this complaint and its outcome be placed in the public domain.

I require an initial acknowledgement of this complaint within ten days of this letter and for a resolution to be effected without delay. I will ONLY accept such in written form and not by way of electronic mail.

I look forward to prompt and honour able action in regard to this matter.

Yours sincerely

 David J B Ashford




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