Wednesday 4 May 2022


Today I am sharing not one but two chapters within my writing project I LOVE OUR NHS – David’s Story.

The clock on my laptop reads 2.36am.

I could not sleep, my head was going round and round and round with a chapter titled LOVING OUR NHS MK. I just had to get up, come downstairs and start writing. Eight hunded and ninety-three words later here it is.


 Every second of every day our National Health Service cares with LOVE for its patients. Time now for YOU to return that love.

A question. A simple, straightforward and specific question to which there can be only one of two answers.


Yes or No

During the height of the pandemic posters supporting our National Health Service appeared everywhere. People put signs in the windows of their homes, children drew and painted rainbow pictures, once a week people stood on their doorsteps and clapped for our NHS. But this was a demonstration of support, it was not an expression of love. Sadly, this happy-clappy scenario has vanished.

It is time to replace this expression of support with a wave of love.


Yes or No

Writing these words in Spring 2022 I would put it to you that our NHS is in a post-war period of austerity. Austerity in a literal sense and austerity metaphorically. The administration system is stretched to breaking point, staff are mentally exhausted and yet every second of every day our NHS does not treat a single patient, it CARES for every patient and cares with LOVE. It is time now for you and it is time now for I to return that love.


Yes or No 

You may think reading the title for this chapter that it only applies to MK – Milton Keynes. It does not, my home town of Milton Keynes I want to become a launch pad for a nationwide wave of love for our NHS.

I came to live in the New City of Milton Keynes in September 1971 when it was little more than an idea on a piece of paper. I became a patient of what today has become Whaddon Healthcare. Please note the last four letters of my GP’s operation Whaddon HealthCARE.

This is just one of many similar medical centres of operation across the town (Sadly as I write these words Milton Keynes has never become a city but that’s another story). We have one of the finest hospitals anywhere in Great Britain. We have many support organisations such as the air ambulance, assistance dogs, the hospice movement and so much more orbiting around NHS MK.

Go to every community from John-o-Groats to Lands End and you will find similar.

From Llanfairpwllgwyngyllgogerychwyrndrobwllllantysiliogogogoch to the street where you live.

Pre-pandemic I set up a Facebook group LOVING OUR NHS MK to support projects I was running for our hospital. The pandemic war destroyed those projects and put the facebook group way, way onto the back burner. I am now bringing that group back to life and am inviting those who genuinely love our NHS and live in Milton Keynes to join.

If you do not live in Milton Keynes then I invite you to set up a similar group where you live:

Loving Our NHS Birmingham

Loving Our NHS Liverpool

Loving Our NHS Bristol

Loving Our NHS Llanfairpwllgwyngyllgogerychwyrndrobwllllantysiliogogogoch


Yes or No 

As an old man I am not of the social media generation and too often find myself regarding it all as anti-social media but nobody of any age is ever too old nor too young to love.

If you love our NHS then you will join the Facebook group. If you live in Milton Keynes then LOVING OUR NHS MK is ready and waiting for you. If you do not live in MK then set up a similar group in your town.

The group is there ONLY for people who LOVE OUR NHS to join. It is not for here today and gone tomorrow happy-clappers, it is not here for political gamesmanship. It is here for those who love our NHS to post simple words of love, care and support for NHS staff from our hospital’s CEO all the way up to the person who cleans the floor in my doctor’s surgery.

Government could double, triple, quadruple the funding for our NHS and it still would not be enough to finance all the love needed to care for patients. The government could cut existing funding to ten percent of its present day level but the love of our NHS would not change. You can not put a monetary figure on love.

How much has it cost me to set up this Facebook page ? NOT A SINGLE PENNY.

How much would it cost you to join the Facebook page ? NOT A SINGLE PENNY.

To quote the greatest pop music group the world has ever seen ALL YOU NEED IS LOVE.

I have loved our NHS for thirty-nine years as of today, the day I am tapping out these words on my laptop. I will continue to love our NHS until the day I die and then I shall haunt its operation as a ghost of love.


Yes or No

If your answer is NO then rip up this chapter and this book, throw it into the recycling bag. While you are at it throw yourself in as well.

If your answer is YES then join the Facebook group and help create the biggest wave of love anyone, anywhere, anytime has ever seen.


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