Tuesday 17 May 2022

Text of an e-mail just sent to our local community police

Following issues at our community forum last  month I tried to engage with members of West Bletchley Council but without success. While doing this I actually uncovered certain issues which I am now dealing with on a personal basis, not within my community forum role. These are quite serious for residents and I have strong support from a number of people around me.

With regard to the crime issues I have engaged with TVP Police and Crime Commissioner and Iain Stewart MP’s office. I have spoken with Crimewave Solutions and intend campaigning as a resident for your requirements to be funded as needed. If West Bletchley Council will not engage then I will find an alternative source. Pasted below is the e-mail I received from Justin.

Good Morning David,

Thank you for your e-mail. I absolutely do recall you from West Bletchley Parish Council.

You a right they have recently stopped using us. It did all sound political and the Clerk doesn’t seem to hold us in any regard. We have been hugely successful in identifying disorder and in particular knife crime. We have a contract with TVP as they find us so helpful. There is no doubt that West Bletchley needs our support in identifying crimes if violence, knife crime and to support the project around preventing violence against women and girls.

Our costs are highly confidential and I would ask you to not spread them too wide. Our 2x camera service is £18,000 + VAT our three camera service does give a further discount at £23,400 + VAT and our four camera service would be £31,200 + VAT all for a 12 month term.

If there is anything I can do to help please do let me know.

Kind Regards,

   Justin Hammond

   Managing Director

Moving on..

The date for the next forum meeting is difficult for Angie who I feel we need to be present. It is also the date of my next blood donor afternoon session. As an old man having a pint removed does tend to leave me a bit ill during the evening. If an alternative date could be set then that would be fine. If not at the end of the day you  are the boss and I will have to fight my system.

Regarding accommodation. Speaking with my wife West Bletchley Community Centre does not like “open” meetings with no fixed attendance. Although it is on a bit of a limb perhaps Wilton Hall would be a good venue.

I see every week the serious incidents you are all having to deal with, I can not thank you enough for all you do. You really are special people. I am assuming you are far too busy to set up ride along sessions so I will leave these to you to arrange as and when. Have you seen the documentary series INSIDE THE FORCE set in Lincoln ? What a load of old rubbish that is, I could certainly do better providing you with text you could use as you wish.

When I took on the role within our forum I said to James and to Tom that I wanted our forum to be the envy of all in Milton Keynes. The pandemic may have stopped that happening but it did not squash the ambition and only postponed things. I do so want to support our residents and our police in every way possible.

James and I began a project to protect teenagers from drug dealers but beyond initial meetings the pandemic again called a halt. We had a very successful pop up police station at Melrose, this is something we could do again some time. Tom and I discussed county line gangs targeting teenagers in the Windmill Hill area. I do have a very string working relationship with Whaddon Healthcare who previously asked me to help set up a support programme for parents of teenage drug users. Pandemic again but I would very much like to press the management team to make this happen.

I do not have the contacts I once had within the vulnerable adult community from which  I was able to give information to Tom. However, I do know there is a county line dealer who goes by the name of ROB and uses a burner number 0792 719 6349. He is active most days and has been dealing within the community for many months.

So I come to the end of a long e-mail. Sorry for its length but please know of my  passion to support your work in every way I can. Words can not express my gratitude as a resident of West Bletchley to you all for the amazing work you do.




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