Friday 13 May 2022

How well do you know Milton Keynes ?

History is BUNK. A quote from Henry Ford and so it is. History is BUNK and belongs in a stuffy museum where it can be forgotten. It is HERITAGE which is important, heritage is alive and brings from decades, centuries, millennia past its influence on our lives today.

Another quote. This from Mark Twain the pen-name of Samuel Langhorne Clemens: It may be history, it may be only a legend, a tradition. It may have happened, it may not have happened: but it could have happened.

Milton Keynes has more legend and more heritage per square mile than any other town, city

or village anywhere in the country.
FACT. Sadly far too many are today an enigma !  Sadly far too many have been lost over time. Some have been destroyed by Milton Keynes Council. Sadly there are those who live in Milton Dreams who do not care ! LET’S CHANGE THAT. If you love and care for our home then become an Mkeneyan and help celebrate our heritage.



1.    What was the name of the Royal Navy Battleship sponsored by Bletchley Road School (Later to become Leon School) during World war Two ?

2.    Where in Bletchley did Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher buy her clothes ?

3.    Where is Queen Boudica buried ?

4.    What is the name of the little girl from the Fenny Stratford Plague Pit who haunted local schools ?

5.    Turpyn Court in Woughton is not named after Highwayman Dick Turpin so who is it named

after ?

6.    Status Quo opened Live Aid with Rocking all Over The World but what location did they play in Bletchley ?

7.    She co-founded The Open University and had a Bletchley theatre named after her. Who is she ?

8.    Legend says the tea bag was invented in Bletchley. Where and how ?

9.    Now The Cambian Bletchley Park School but in a former life which British rock and roll star performed there ?

10. What is the connection between The Hollywood Walk Of Fame and Bletchley ?

11. During the Cold War where was the four minute warning siren for South Milton Keynes located ?

12. In 1986 which Milton Keynes school performed on BBC Saturday Superstore ?

13. Where in Milton Keynes does the oldest living thing reside ?

14. After The Great Train Robbery in 1963 was the train really towed into Bletchley Station or was it a ploy by the police to keep the press at bay ?

15. Which is the smallest lock on the British canal system and why is it located where it is ?

16. It is officially Denbigh Hall Bridge but those who understand its significance will know its real name. What is it ?

17. He co-founded The Open University, his son became Professor of Mathematics at the university. Who was he ?

18. What was done to keep the crowd cool at The National Bowl Milton Keynes when David Bowie performed there ?

19. In which year did The Leon Family move to Bletchley Park ?

20. Which pop group did a photoshoot at the Peartree Dinosaur ?

21. I’d like to buy the world a Coke. If you did where in Milton Keynes was it once bottled/canned ?

22. It did not last for long but what feature of Willen Lake was originally intended to be seen from the M1 Motorway ?

23. The word bullshit originates from Milton Keynes !  How and why ?

24. Before it was moved what was the first thing train passengers saw as they travelled from London into Milton Keynes ?

25. Skew Bridge. Who dedicated himself to be the human traffic lights ?

26. When he was an MP which party did Herbert Leon represent ?

27. Erected without planning permission, so legend says, where was the windmill that never turned ?

28. Which former Milton Keynes (North Bucks) MP when he looked in a mirror was black and white and red all over ?

29. It ended up at Stanstead, thanks to WARA. What was WARA and where was the original planned location for London’s third airport ?

30. Another protest group. What was MKHAG ?

31. When the station was first started what was the most requested record on Hospital Radio Milton Keynes ?

32. Did you know it was not only Churchill who made regular wartime visits to the now famous Bletchley Park ?  Charles de Gaulle, leader of the Free French, also visited. He sent members of his staff to Bletchley Road School to speak with pupils. Supreme Allied Commander Europe General Dwight D Eisenhower, later to become US President, also made visits towards the end of the war.

33. What have David Bowie, Michael Jackson and Freddie Mercury all have in common ? (Besides the fact that they are dead.)

34. Where is the first ecumenical church in England located ?

35. Name the THREE ley lines about which the entire new city of Milton Keynes was built. Which of these was subsequently destroyed by Milton Keynes Council’s planning department !

36. Name the first multiplex cinema to open in the country.

37. Why does the Milton Keynes Peace Pagoda stand on a false hill ?

38. Who opened Central Milton Keynes Railway Station ?

39. Who opened the Centre MK ?

40. What was the Red Balloon Advert ?

41. Who is the Ghost of Bletchley Park ?

42. Which Milton Keynes jazz singer has a vocal range way above THREE octaves ?

43. Where in Milton Keynes did Michael Crawford once live ?

44. Where in Milton Keynes did inspector Morse’s sidekick once reside ?

45. Where is Hog Sty End ?

46. Where was the Royal Train once parked ?

47. Ride a Cock Horse to Banbury Cross, what has that to do with Milton Keynes ?

48. Where in Milton Keynes does James Bond buy his cars ?

49. Where once upon a time was there a windmill that never turned ?

50. On the subject of windmills, why is Windmill Hill so named ?

51. Which former Milton Keynes teenager, now a QC, is the author of Justice on Trial ?

52. Where did Cliff Richard record the video for Wired For Sound ?

53. What happened to No building shall be taller than the surrounding trees ? And which building was the first to trash this foundation stone of Milton Keynes Development Corporation ?

54. Where was the terminus for Milton Keynes Dial-a-Bus ?

55. Who was the first mayor of Milton Keynes ?

56. Which Mayor of Milton Keynes owned Bletchley Coaches ?

57. Why was Milton Keynes once an excellent place to grow roses ?

58. What was the relationship of Lord Grey of Wilton to Lady Jane Grey ?

59. Which former teenage resident of Milton Keynes is now the legal head of The Climate Protection Agency ?

60. Once a saint and then a local councillor, what name does it go by today ?

61. Name the song which has been recorded by more artists than any other and what hast  it  to do with Milton Keynes ?

62. Bletchley the Home of the Codebreakers, explain Bletchley the Home of the Sausage !

63. Whose letterbox motto was just a friend dropping in ?

64.  FENNY Stratford, Shakespeare uses the word fenny in his play Macbeth, what does fenny mean ?

65. Which Milton Keynes Mayor was the fastest milkman in the west ?

66. In the good old days of vinyl records where was a Bletchley factory that took the groovy music from the discs and sent it to the speakers ?

67. Name the Formula One racing team that once upon a time had its headquarters in Water Eaton.

68. North, South, East & West name the youth club that  once lived in Central Bletchley ?

69. Name the childrens’ author who used to live in Whalley Drive.

70. What did Bill Alder and Jerry West give to Milton Keynes ?

71. Lord Campbell of Eskin, who was he and by what informal name was he known by ?

72. What connection has England’s shortest reigning monarch have with Milton Keynes ?

73. Once viewed from Whalley Drive, what was the role of the radio antennae in Bletchley Park ?

74. What was the Keep Willen Forever Tranquil campaign all about ?

75. Today a major feature within Milton Keynes did you know that Leon School ran a twenty-four hour sponsored disco to raise funds to help launch Willen Hospice.

76. Within Milton Keynes which retailer was once headed by Wilf Griffin ?

77. Which pub is mentioned in F W Witherbotham’s book as a watering hole for the codebreakers ?

78. Which former Bletchley garage owner has an area of University Hospital named after him ?

79. Which two grocery products were once combined to give Milton Keynes its silly alternative name ?

80. In which year was the first Olney Pancake Race run ?

81. A former MP and local historian, where is Sir Frank Markham buried ?

82. Which church, now long gone, did Sir Herbert Leon assist with its foundation stone ?

83. Once upon a time where in Milton Keynes were such things as postal orders and pension books printed ?

84. Something sad and perhaps best forgotten but what has the film Clockwork Orange to do with Bletchley ?

85. It still stands but which parish church was deconsecrated to become part of a Milton Keynes education campus ?

86. Turn it up to what ? Was Jim Marshall’s instruction ?????

87. Which World War One military leader had a home in Fenny Stratford ?

88. Before he got into community art why did Bill Billings originally move to Milton Keynes ?

89. Once upon a time it was the busiest branch in England, where in Milton Keynes was our first local branch of McDonald’s opened ?

90. What did Channel 40 broadcast ?

91. Where in Bletchley was MAN Music’s shop ? What were the names of Mr M and Mr N ?

92. Where was the red balloon advert filmed ?

93. We all know Milton Keynes but that was not the original name intended for the new city. Before planners decided upon MK what was the original thinking ? The New City of ?????

94. Approximately how many pints of blood does University Hospital Milton Keynes use in a year to care for its patients ?

95. What do the initials NBC stand for ?

96. In the days when Milton Keynes had a radio station people listened to what was Black Thunder ?

97. This may be a legend, it may not have happened, it could have, perhaps it did. Where in Milton Keynes was a scene for Superman filmed ?

98. According to the song what was… you’ve never seen anything like it ?

99. Which BBC DJ and presenter helped make the Concrete Cows famous ?

100.       L E O N – Not only a school but an ambitious student expedition in the 1970’s to which country ?

101.       Before the present-day location in Central Milton Keynes where was the magistrates court serving the southern area of the new city located ?

102.       Where in Bletchley was the world’s first telecommunications satellite celebrated ?

103.       In which year was the Leon Family reunited with its ancestral home in Bletchley Park ?

104.       Where in Milton Keynes did Buckinghamshire Association of Youth Cubs once have its HQ ?

105.       Name another MKDC foundation stone removed by Milton Keynes Council.

106.       Elmers ? What was that ?

107.       When Sir Herbert Leon sued the railway and won his case, how much damages was he awarded ?

108.       Predating Milton Keynes, now a roundabout, what was the original recycling location in the area ?

109.       What is the legend of Milton Keynes (Village) Tree ?

110.       In Saxon times was Wafa’s Hill, by what name is it known today ?

111.       Where in Milton Keynes were filters made for cigarettes ?

112.       Which DIY superstore rents its premises from The Dutchy of Cornwall ?

113.       Who was the General Manager of Milton Keynes Development Corporation and lose to which bridge was his home ?

114.       Once colloquially known as Bletchley Mushrooms, what was it ?

115.       Where was the first motorway service station opened ?

116.       Fenny Stratford War Memorial, who performed the dedication ceremony by cutting a ribbon across the path leading to the names ?

117.       Duncombe Street in Bletchley, who is this names after ?

118.       How many Fenny bangs go Pop ?

119.       Who was Milton Keynes mayor during the year of its fiftieth anniversary ?

 One hundred and nineteen, that’s an odd number ! Yes it is BUT today and tomorrow we are creating new heritage and legends which can be added to the list.

If you live in Milton Keynes but importantly if youLOVE Milton Keynes then you are an Mkeneyan. Join our Facebook Group and helpcelebrate our home. Celebrate all the wonderful things we have around us.

Celebrate the good the bad and the ugly.

·       Shout loudly and tell everyone about the GOOD.

·       Fix the BAD and make it good

·       Paint the UGLY and make it beautiful.

Do you love Milton Keynes ?  Then join the ranks of we Mkeneyans.

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