Monday 14 January 2019

Are you sticking with your new year resolution ?

Did you make a New Year resolution for 2019 ?


Are you keeping your New Year resolution ?


I do like a bit of Punk Rock !

Yesterday at 5.50am a stranger walked into the radio studio.

At 7.30am a friend left.


I am proud now to have added Damon to my circle of friends.

I invited Damon into my Monday Morning Music Mega Mix show to tell listeners about a 24 hour charity football match he is organising to support Milton Keynes Winter Night Shelter.

I am tempted to tell you all about it now on today's page but I am not going to do that.

CLICK HERE and listen to the podcast, let Damon tell you himself.

Listen to Damon and help get the podcast listener minutes up
to 10k.

I never was much good at playing football although I did think I may volunteer my services as a referee but, as you listen to the podcast, you will hear Damon explain he has a team of professional referees. WOW.

I am running a couple of things through my head but promise, one way or another I will be giving this project, my new friend Damon and Milton Keynes Winter Night Shelter my full support.

YES, what ever I come up with it will be silly. You would not expect anything different from me would you ?

I love being a Radio DJ, I am here in the studio getting ready to broadcast today's show: MUSIC FROM MY VINYL COLLECTION where I will be featuring the album THE HISTORY OF POP.  Here's a track from that album.

To listen to the show which will broadcast between 6am and 8am all you have to do is to go to 

YES, I love being a Radio DJ but am not sure if I am much good as a chat show host.  I think I did a passable job yesterday. Listen to the PODCAST and decide what you think.

Tomorrow I am going to be a chat show host again.

During that crazy New Year Marathon I broadcast one of my guests was Phil Blacklaw,
Freemasonry's Assistant Provincial Grand Master for Buckinghamshire. Tomorrow Phil will be spending two hours with me broadcasting LET'S INSPIRE. Yep, he is coming into the studio as a guest but he is also coming in as a friend.

Phil is a great man so make sure you listen to the show as he tells us all about FREEMASONRY IN THE COMMUNITY. 

Here's one of Phil's favourite tracks.

Prepare for your boom to be bappa boomed tomorrow. Prepare for your gob to be smacked. You will be amazed,
utterly amazed at the work Freemasonry is doing in the community - our community but also WORLD WIDE.

Phil and I are very much on the same wavelength - I am so much looking forward to welcoming my friend into the studio.

Here's a track from tomorrow's show.

So did you make a New Year resolution ?


Are you keeping your New Year Resolution ?


A stranger is only a friend you have yet to meet.  I am so much looking forward to meeting many more strangers in 2019 and turning them all into friends.

5.02am.  Time for breakfast and a little chill out before
broadcasting today's show. REMEMBER you can listen by going to The PODCAST will be available from about 9.30am

Breakfast ?

Marmite and lettuce sandwiches - what else ?

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