Wednesday 16 January 2019

YESTERDAY - where to begin


A bit of a mega day as far as I am concerned. On today's page I have a bit of reporting to do. Can I share what happened and the lovely, inspiring people who passed through my day ?

Let me explain the lead picture of Dreamboats and Petticoats. I have the CD playing in the studio as I write this page - 3.52am so a little over two hours before I start broadcasting.

Usually I fit tracks of music around what I am writing about, I
think I will experiment by having on the daily blog a featured CD - Today i's DREAMBOATS AND PETTICOATS.  But that is today, what about yesterday.

Yesterday I was celebrating the fact that the podcats for my shows on Radio CRMK has just passed 10,000 listener minutes. This is where we were this time on Wednesday.


Things have changed a bit.

As of first thing today 73 have listened to the PODCAST of yesterday's show.

Go on click the link above and make that 74.

Something more from the featured album.

Yesterday's show was the 60th broadcast I have made. This is how the PODCAST figures stand today.

THANK YOU Phil Blacklaw, Assistant Provincial Grand Master for Freemasonry in Buckinghamshire for joining me on yesterday's show and for inspiring so many people to listen to our chatting about the amazing work done by Freemasonry in the community.

I love being a Radio DJ, it is so easy and so much fun. I broadcast five shows and ten hour a week but getting music out into the community to support good causes in the way Freemasonry is doing has to be the important way to play that music.

Leaving the studio yesterday I went to a distribution centre for The Food Bank.

This is a good cause so dear to my heart. Yesterday Phil and I talked about The Food Bank on the show. I would like here to say THANK YOU to everyone involved with this incredible organisation and to play a song for you all.

I then sat down to update the website for SUNSHINE SMILE 
DAY. Update - that's a laugh. Lisa who is setting up the day is working so hard and achieving so much any update is out of date within moments.

Later today Lisa and I will be visiting Milton Keynes Irish Centre which is hosting the event.

Are you coming ?  CLICK HERE for the latest details. Well they will be the latest derails when my limited web development skills can keep up with Lisa's organising abilities.

During the late afternoon I had some long telephone conversations with both the Police and Ambulance service via the non-emergency phone numbers 101 and 111. Anyone who has
ever used these phone numbers will know that quite simply they do not work properly, it takes an age to get through to speak to a real person...... HOWEVER when you do you will always speak with a friendly operator whose knowledge and skills are probably the very best to be found in any call centre anywhere in the world.

One of the topics Phil and I chatted about on yesterday's show was Freemasonry's support for FIRST RESPONDER VEHICLES.

MATRON MAGGIE, seen her are Sunshine Smile Day 2018, is now supplying what we are calling MONDAY MORNING MEDICAL MOMENTS. For this week's show she supplied figures for accessing NHS services.  It would have been so easy yesterday to demand an ambulance attend - that would have cost £247. So Maggie, your words of wisdom had the situation dealt with as a non-emergency so saving our amazing, wonderful, incredible, fantastic NHS a lot of money.

I do not use a "smart" phone. I can easily say that SMART people do not need "smart" phones.  Mine is a DORRO

While I was talking my phone kept bleeping, saying someone was trying to call but the line was engaged. I have no idea how to place a call om hold so I did not answer.

When I had finished my call I checked to see who had been calling. I did not recognise the number, normally I would ignore such a call but something told me not to ignore this call.

The caller was a lovely lady - Katy. Katy was calling from the Organ Donor System. She wanted to talk about Sunshine Smile Day and being a part of the day. WOW  FANTASTIC  AMAZING.

Yep, YESTERDAY - Wednesday 19th - I mean 16th January 2019 ( John you will understand that typo) was a busy, great day for me.

TWO things I did not do which I should have done yesterday. SLAP MY WRISTS.

Curly Tails Pig Sanctuary is coming to  SUNSHINE SMILE DAY. The organiser, NO NOT THE RESIDENTS, is going to join me on a show. 

Yesterday I should have contacted her to arrange things APOLOGIES.

I will do that today - I PROMISE.

YES, 73 people listened to yesterday's show on podcast. For Monday's show there were 8 listeners.  8 is actually more than I usually get.

I am determined that the music I play will get behind the project my guest DAMON shared with us. Yesterday, while I did some planning for this I should have done more. I PROMISE I WILL DO THAT TODAY.

So that was yesterday. It's now 4.46am - I have been writing
this page for a bit over an hour. Time I guess to sign off then have my breakfast - MARMITE SANDWICHES OF COURSE. Then get ready to broadcast today's show.

I'll be liver from 6am to 8am 

You can message me during the show via THE SMILE CREW Facebook page.

One last song from today's featured album.

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