Thursday 24 January 2019

The Time Machine is now boarding

Last call for boarding of The Geriatric DJ's Time Machine - we are getting ready to travel back to the year of 1959.

If you are reading this page then you can travel in real time between 6am and 8am simply by going to  If you miss the call the PODCAST will be available from about 9am (ish!)

One of my books is all about Time Travel - I do not write under the name of The Geriatric DJ but of Max Robinson.

If you fancy a read it will cost you 99p for an e-book.  WOW is that expensive !  CLICK HERE - go on - thousands CLICK HERE and make me rich !

I am not going to let you into any secrets of the Top Thirty Chart for 1959, you will have to listen to the show for that, but next Friday we are going back to 1st February 1968 when this was top of the pops.

My time machine does not travel forward, it only travels back in time.

However, I am really looking FORWARD to next Wednesday when Graham will be joining me in the studio to play the music from the disco at FLOWERS SHELTERED HOUSING earlier in the week.  Graham played the music while I danced the afternoon away.

This is something he played.

Ahead of Wednesday there is TUESDAY - Tuesday means MUSIC FROM MY VINYL COLLECTION.

The featured album for Wednesday is THE BEATLES 20 GOLDEN HITS.

I am going next week to see La Traviata performed by The Royal Opera Company so WAKE UP WITH THE CLASSICS on Thursday next week will have Guiseppi Verdi as featured composer.

I already have the playlist written for next week's edition of MONDAY MORNING MUSIC MEGA MIX but for Monday 4th February The Eternal Teenager is helping me out by putting together the music collection for me.  With ten hours of broadcasting a week this help is most welcome. He came into the studio yesterday when I played this - The Drinking Song from La Traviata.

Josh had a can of Pepsi Max to wave about while I had a glass of orange juice.

I did not convert my friend to the joys of classical music but he is a great fan of retro pop so I am looking forward to the playlist he writes for me.

I bet he includes this !

Released in 1963 when I was 12 years old and my friend was MINUS 28 that is his favorite song.

Let's travel back to 1st January 2019.....

YEH - I do like a bit of punk rock !

How many of you took up my challenge to turn strangers into
friends during 2019 ?  How many new friends have you so far made ?

Me ?

My total is THREE.

4,27am. Time for breakfast then the time machine will depart for 1959.

They did have Marmite and Lettuce Sandwiches in 1959 didn't they ?

If they didn't then I'm not going.

I may not have educated Josh in the joys of Classical Music, I did not need to win him over to Marmite, he loves it, but I do need to work on the lettuce bit.

Let's end with something from last Wednesday's disco shall we.

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