Friday 4 January 2019

What's In A Name ?

First things first....

Yesterday's blog page pulled 71 readers - excellent - we are getting back on track with this area of our music.

Tomorrow I am covering a show for Paul Alexander who is away on holiday - 2pm to 4pm - the show

I am looking forward to the show and have been carefully working out a playlist to reflect Paul's style while at the same time bringing in a bit of The Geriatric DJ.

That will bring the total radio broadcast time for The Geriatric DJ to 116.5 hours.

I can honestly say that I have loved every minute, every second, every track.  I may be The Geriatric DJ but the music has made me feel like a teenager.

The Geriatric DJ as a person is now well established BUT..........

Is this the right name for our music as a brand ?  Talking with Paul
yesterday he suggested the name conjures up the wrong impression, that of old men with zimmer frames and hearing aids. He is right.

Yesterday we found seven new members for our music fan club but to outwork our mission we need to have not a total fan membership of 263 but tens of thousands.

Are we going to achieve this with a brand name of The Geriatric DJ ?

Paul, who is now adopting the nick-name of STIG has great ambitions for our music with brilliant ideas to promote it
widely across social media BUT he believes the name Geriatric DJ will not work.  I am not comfortable having the brand and my own nick-name being the same thing. So we do need a change.

So say HI to Paul, part of our developing management team, from this time forth to be known as STIG.

At the moment our developing management team consists of STIG, THE GERIATRIC DJ and LISA - Lisa has yet to decide on her nick-name.  Writing today's music blog I am putting out to all readers and to our fan group the thought from Stig that we should change the group name.

Stig is suggesting we take the name GERI DJ for the group. What do you think ?

Can I put forward a suggestion ?


What do you think ?

Don't be shy SPEAK UP.

If you listen to my radio shows CLICK HERE FOR THE PODCASTS you will hear how I am now introducing all shows with a voice over this piece of music.

Do you like this played from the SMILING TURNTABLE ?  This week I am going to experiment with a closing theme.

Instead of I'd Like To Teach The World To Sing it becomes I'D LIKE TO TEACH THE WORLD TO SMILE.

What would you say is the most well known brand name in the UK ?

What would you say is the most well known brand name internationally ?

Personally my preference is for Pepsi - PEPSI MAX.

I am almost as much addicted to Pepsi Max as I am to Music !

So what do you think ?  What's in a name ?  What is the best name to develop the brand of our music ?

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