Wednesday 30 January 2019



The studio is set up for the day and for my show to go live at 6am.


I've had about three and a half hours sleep but am wide awake.

Last night I went to watch The Royal Opera Company perform La Traviata by Giuseppe Verdi.  I have seen many
different performances of this opera but by a long, long way this was the most spectacular. Ermonella Jaho in the role of Violetta was stunning, no other word for it.

I am early looking forward to sharing my experience with the world as soon as I go live at 6am - do listen -  The PODCAST will be available from around 9am

Stunning is the right word to describe my entire day.

Everything began with Graham, who invited me to one of his care home disco's last week, sharing the studio with me while while we played music from that disco.

It was a great show. Graham tells me this is the most played track in his repertoire. 

Graham has invited me to a disco he will be running in a brain injury unit. He will then come on a future show to share the music with you all.

I am so much looking forward to that happening.

Yesterday's show had listeners in: UK, France, Australia, USA, Thailand, Kazakhstan, India, Algeria, Taiwan, Spain and Hungary.

I received an e-mail asking if I would invite a gentleman who was a medical consultant to Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth, The Queen Mother.

I have to answer the e-mail this morning but I am sure you can guess what my answer is going to be !

Y  E S !

WOW what an honour.

I then had a chat with The Eternal Teenager. Those who
know me know I talk too much !  

But.......I could not get a word in edge ways as my friend exploded with enthusiasm he has for something he wants to do with me and our music.

Another e-mail popped into my inbox while I was at the opera. Another e-mail which will receive the answer:

Y E S !
University Hospital Milton Keyens has asked me if I would help out with a small project. WOW what an honour !

I have two spots booked in my diary this afternoon for BT.

STUNNING kindness from the Cheif Executive's office.

Is it any wonder my face is smiling ?

Is it any wonder my heart feels so warm  incredibly warm ?


Graham's most played song on his disco may be Rivers Of Babylon. This is my most played track on the radio.

Isn't it FANTASTIC to be alive ?  Isn't live absolutely STUNNING ?

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