Saturday 26 January 2019

Do I really deserve to be quite so happy?

What has a silly old man done to enjoy such a happy life ?

I wish I could wind back the clock then what ever I am doing now to do it all the way through my life.

HECK aint it fantastic to be alive. That is not a question - it's a statement.

Maureen has made me a special vegetarian meal.

Any vegi friends like to pop round for lunch ?  She has gone a bit over the top !

I am married to the most amazing lady.

One year and one week ago I met a guy who was rough sleeping in a tent outside Morrissons supermarket.  I was horrified when I learned he was not alone but was just one half of a seven year partnership. Josh and Mrs Josh are now such dear and special friends.

I present FIVE shows on an amazing radio station. I love my job, I love being The Geriatric DJ. Now we are working
towards Josh, The Eternal Teenager, co-presenting one of those shows with me. I am so excited about that and he is as well. Just look at his smile.

There is not a computer with a big enough memory to store the happiness I feel about my life.

I am still buzzing from that incredible disco Graham took me to last week at FLOWERS SHELTERED HOUSING in Bletchley.

Can't wait until Wednesday when Graham and I play the music together again on the radio.

My amazing friends are working so hard with Sunshine Smile Day.

I have such a faithful, loyal friend in Jake.

I thank goodness for the day he came into my life.  I thank goodness for the day so many wonderful people came into my life.

Ten hours a week I broadcast to the world via Internet Radio Station CRMK - 

Just look at what has happened to the podcast figures.

On Friday I met with Station Programme Controller, Mike. I am sure this guy has never understood there is a word - NO. He is so positive in any and every discussion.

We met on Friday to talk over a few ideas I have come up with.
Mike does not say NO, he takes a suggestion, adapts it into something better then it becomes YES.

I went to him with an idea to run some sponsored marathon broadcasts for good causes which are close to my heart. YES, we are doing the broadcasts but with Mike's input they will be much, much better than my original idea. CLICK HERE to find out more.

I have to meet with FRIENDS at Bletchley & Fenny Stratford Council next week but The Geriatric DJ will take Radio CRMK on to Bletchley Bandstand with music to support The Food Bank.

I will invite any CRMK presenter who wishes to join me to come along. I have this feeling The Eternal Teenager
will be there.

I do hope he can persuade his missus to join us, she is BRILLIANT when it comes to taking music into the community.

Somehow I doubt she will take a lot of persuading.

I am planning to have a special radio show within my Wednesday programme on Wednesday 6th February. EVERY programme broadcast on CRMK by EVERY presenter is special.

I have decided to roll out the red carpet to more of my shows, to invite FRIENDS into the studio as guests.

I play music....


Would you like to come into the studio and help me do this ?  Come and be my guest. CLICK HERE then tell me you want to come along.

I have realised why I am so happy.

DOH ! Why didn't I catch on before ?

I play so much music I can not help but smile and be happy.

So what have I got lined up in the music for you this week ?

MONDAY - Monday Morning Music Mega Mix - The Eternal Teenager will be helping me. This is something from the playlist.

TUESDAY and Music From My Vinyl Collection - this week GOLDEN HITS FROM THE BEATLES is the featured album.

WEDNESDAY and Graham will be with me in the studio to share music from last Wednesday's disco.

THURSDAY and Wake Up With The Classic where Verdi will be the featured composer.

Last Thursday The Eternal Teenager was with me for the show, I used a glass of orange juice while he had a can of Pepsi Max to join in The Brindisi Drinking Song from La Traviata by Verdi.

You do know The Eternal Teenager is into cross-dressing don't you ? Here he is wearing his wife's hat !

Anyway - The Brindisi....

FRIDAY - the time machine will be going back to 1st February 1968. NO, I am not going to tell you what was number one - you'll have to wait until the show but this was number two.

TEN HOURS of fabulous music which it will be my privileged to share with YOU my FRIENDS.


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