Wednesday 6 May 2020


I began yesterday's page saying I had a feeling it was going to be a low day. I could not have been more wrong !  Since the very first day of lock down Wednesday 6th May 202 was the most beautiful day and certainly one of the most beautiful days in my long life,

Beautiful Day ?  Beautiful because of the beautiful people who crossed my path. I did not sleep well last night because my head was so full of the day's happenings and my heart so full with the love that had been given to me.

During the day my phone rang three times, three times with beautiful conversations from three special people.

Writing my book Our Rebekah A Story Of Love From Our NHS I was given some very special words to include.

The postman came late yesterday afternoon. I special letter of support from a friend. Letters from my granddaughters Katherine and Frances with so much love. Katherine had written me an amazing story Jake the Superhero. Frances with he unique sense of humour had made me a face mask out of paper. There was also a letter from NHS Blood Service confirming my donation session next week. Thank you for allowing donors to continue giving blood in these hard situations.

I downloaded music for two playlists ready for when I return to broadcasting my five weekly radio shows. As I wrote a chapter for my book I listened to the music, I am listening to it now. Beautiful music.

My friends the squirrels and birds who live in my garden were there all day, wonderful beautiful people.

My friend and next door neighbour is playing music at a special event in the street where I live, playing music to celebrate 75 years since VE Day. Early this morning I pushed one of our Smile Cards through every letterbox in the street.

Wednesday 6th May 2020 is going to be a hard day to follow. Thursday 7th May 2020 - BRING IT ON !

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