Thursday 21 May 2020

Oh what a beautiful morning

THURSDAY 21st MAY 2020
The very first track I ever played on Radio CRMK was Cat Stevens Morning Has broken.

I awoke this morning at 3.54am to the beautiful sound of the dawn chorus. I slipped back to sleep only to be awoken at 5am as the multitude of birds who live in my garden were demanding their breakfast.

Out into the garden to fill the three bird tables.

It was then time to take Doggie Jake for his morning walk.

Part of our morning excursion is always to visit this particular post box and send out the morning mail. EVERY DAY I am sending between two and three hundred cards of love to NHS staff up and down the country and to families with a child sick in hospital.  Weekly fun quiz sheets are being sent to residents in care homes and to our local police officers. 

Yesterday we did not sell a single e-book download for OUR REBEKAH A STORY OF LOVE FROM OUR NHS - I am useless at promoting things ! But I am going to try a few things today.

The SUNshine Smile Crew - Rebekah was Little Miss SUNshine... SUN Newspaper.  Let's see if this cracks things.

Two hospitals on my doings list today for cards of love are Great Ormond Street Hospital and Alder Hey Hospital in Liverpool.

I have a special memory of Alder Hey. About twenty-five years ago a family came to England from Eastern Europe. They had a visa to obtain a diagnosis for their son. He had cancer. 

Alder Hey treated him but the treatment was running up huge bills the family could not possibly pay. The hospital would not stop treatment but it was in a difficult situation, spending public money it should not but how could it deny treatment to this little boy ?  I was asked to help.

I wrote to Tony Blair who was then prime minister. Within a week he replied saying there
was nothing he could do. BUT Alistair Campbell leaked my letter to The Daily Mail from which an anonymous donor paid all the hospital bills. RESULT ! Sadly the little boy died and the family went home without him.

If I could get the prime minister of Great Britain to do this then why am I so utterly useless at promoting OUR REBEKAH A STORY OF LOVE FROM OUR NHS ?

What is bugging me big time is that not only am I failing promote the book but I am failing to inspire others to do so.

Thirty-four beautiful friends have given their love and support but I just keep failing to engage with a wider circle.

This appeared in my e-mail inbox first thing this morning.

GREAT but the sum involved should be at least 100 times greater. We could spent ten thousand times that sum outworking our mission.

Now in our FOURTH year of operation we are not some Johnny-come-lately operation.

Since I first played Cat Stevens on Radio CRMK I have broadcast 304 show,s that's about
TEN THOUSAND TRACKS.  Sadly the radio studio is closed due to the pandemic. I can't wait to get back. I need to get back. Broadcasting FIVE shows a week I have been preparing playlists for my eventual return. I have three weeks - 15 shows written, and am now working on week 4. That track will be the opening tune for Monday morning.

On my doings list for this morning I plan to wear my GERIATRIC DJ HEADPHONES and attack Radio Boring challenging them to help promote OUR REBEKAH A STORY OF LOVE FROM OUR NHS ?

My radio broadcasts are NOT boring..................

In actual fact they can be quite ridiculous ! Radio Boring cop a load of this !

I need to get back to the microphone to play music, to share the podcasts with the people I am posting cards, quiz sheets and SMILES  to every day.

One more piece of music then I need to get to work writing today's letters and cards. One will be to a special address in Milton Keynes - something for all our amazing Posties who are going the extra mile to deliver all of our letters !

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