Saturday 2 May 2020

Chapter Twenty-Nine

Well I have I have reached the end of Rebekah's story, the biography of my darling daughter's short time with us. A time in which her cheeky, infectious Smile touched the lives of so many people.

Our Rebekah A Love Story From The NHS.

I am coming up to my seventieth birthday, three score years and ten. How many years do I have left ? I promise you that every single one will be filled with my thanking our National Health Service for the love it gave to Rebekah.

Will anyone read this book ?

I hope so. Not for my own ego but for me to share my thanks and try in a small way to repay the debt my family owes to our National Health Service. So how many books will I sell ? Realistically I hope one thousand people will buy Our Rebekah A Love Story From The NHS, any more than that number will be fantastic.

THANK YOU for buying this copy.

Yes, there are royalties. Royalties paid by Amazon are actually quite generous. When the money flows into my pocket, the money from this copy you purchased what is going to happen to it ?

Every single penny will be used to help people in The Sunshine Smile Crew projects we have running. Projects filled with Rebekah's Smile. Projects celebrating lives, helping to mend broken lives, saving lives.

From Smiles For Our NHS to supporting families with a child sick in hospital. Promoting blood and organ donations. Showing love for our homeless rough-sleeping friends. And many more, all bring Smiles to real people, doing all we can to touch their lives with love.

When this book appears on my Amazon Library Shelf it will be the eighteenth I have published there. To end Our Rebekah A Love Story From The NHS I am giving you a few freebies from some of my other books. I have already told you about The Bridge House and The Wild Adventures Of Di Central Eating, here are extracts from my books:

Things Were Different In My Day
The Story Of A Teenage Entrepreneur
The Ramblings Of A Silly Old Man
Fantasies Of A Geriatric DJ
An Interview With Flight Sergeant Billy
The Diary Of Billy Hardcastle
Peter's Magic Fountain Pen
The Lonely Ghost
The Case Files Of Dave McDermott
The Lottery Of Evil
Quantum Mechanics A Trilogy Of Time Travel

If anything tickles your fancy please buy the full book and help boost royalties to take Rebekah's Smile to more and more people. Do please take that Smile for yourself then pass it on to as many people as you possibly can.

David aka Max Riobinson
Rebekah's Dad

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