Monday 18 December 2017

A wonderful day in a wonderful world

Isn't it annoying when somebody takes great delight in telling you they were right then continuing by rubbing it in ?

It's fun to be annoying isn't it ?

I said on yesterday's blog that this would be a week filled with beautiful people.

Yesterday was EXACTLY that.

I packed all of the Secret Santa gifts into the car and headed up the M1 and then the M6 to Birmingham. My best friend Jake came along as Santa's Little Helper.

It was a good journey even if most of the motorway was fog bound. People were driving with care, all of the gifts were safely delivered.

Unlike most cities Birmingham manages its traffic properly. Driving into the city centre was not an issue. Well, not until I arrived at Ronald McDonald House.

Access to the house is along a pathway from the Childrens' Hospital. There is a small road but that has been closed for construction work for a while. Those working on the site knew I was coming and welcomed me even if Jake did bark like crazy. They stopped the traffic, guided me in to park. The car stopped the construction work but all were so kind, loving a patient.

I ran down the path to the house reception. That was something worth seeing -  ho ho ho !  Me running ?  I can still run if I have to ! The electronic doors opened and I was welcomed with love.

House staff came back up the path with me to help take the gifts inside. We put them under the tree. I have never seen a tree quite like that before. It has to be the most love-filled Christmas Tree in all of the world.

Ronald McDonald House in Birmingham truly is The House That Love Built.

Let's open today's Advent Calendar window. This is a special edition to thank all who made Secret Santa such a resounding success.

Staff at the house wanted me to stay but I did not wish to disrupt the work they were doing and I had to move the car so the construction team could get back to work. I sped home, the fog now gone, feeling very happy - very happy indeed.

Have you received a Christmas card from someone you have not sent one to ?

Ooooopppppssss !

In the letter box on my return from Birmingham was a card from our MP Iain Stewart. I am so touched that he sent Maureen and I a card but look at it. Isn't it a bit special ?  I was designed  by a child in a local school then sent by Iain in love.

When Beck was very ill Iain wrote to me, a hand-written letter from The House of Commons thanking me for my support for the NHS. When Beck died Iain helped get OurRebekah going. I am proud Iain is my MP and thank him for the love contained in that Christmas card yesterday.

Here is Ian spinning coins for Ronald McDonald House.

There were some special e-mails waiting for me when I returned home.

There was one from Mayor David's PA. There was one from Catherine Rose at Secklow 105.5 with a BRILLIANT idea for the OurRebekah event next May in Stowe Gardens. 

There was also a voice mail on my phone from a call I missed while driving. This was from Suzzana, Community Champion at Asda regarding Secklow Radio Roadshow in the store on 6th January.

Relaxing, I was listening to The Nutcracker while I worked on my laptop. In popped an e-mail from my son Peter. He sent me some photographs of my granddaughter Katherine at her recent ballet exam.

Oh Katherine you look so lovely.

Perhaps one day I will be able to go to The Royal Opera House to watch you dance The Sugar Plum Fairy in The Nutcracker !

During the evening the phone rang. It was my special friend and son-in-law Gary with details of our visit to Hillsborough next Saturday.

The game with Sheffield Wednesday playing and hopefully beating Middlesborough kicks off at three o'clock. With half-time and added time from the referee's watch everything will be over by five,

We have to be at the club reception for noon. We will be met by our host for the day. There will be a slap up meal in the executive dining room before we are taken to our seats in the directors box. Throughout the day we will have our own personal host to look after us. There
are match briefings and analysis from club legends.  FOOD IN ABUNDANCE - snacks at half- time then more food after the game. Everything then ends at six.

Gary told me there is a dress code for the directors box. That's OK I do not own a pair of trainers and have never worn jeans since I was a kid.

I so much enjoy my visits to Hillsborough. I love the atmosphere and the friendly way the club is run.  Saturday is going to be special.
We even have our own parking space in the VIP area and will be given complimentary programmes. That programme will contain an article Club Director Trevor asked me to write.

Trevor, if I turn up on Saturday looking like this will that meet the dress code for the directors box ?  Trevor has a very dry sense of humour, when he saw me at the game against Bristol City dressed like that he said I looked like a seasoned supporter.

Well a seat on the terrace in September to a seat in the directors box in December can't be bad can it !


Was yesterday filled with beautiful people ?

You bet it was. A wonderful day in a wonderful world.

So what about today ?

Nine o'clock I am playing music at a meeting of MK Rethink. I am so looking forward to that. When I played music in the West Bletchley Community Centre's shop at the beginning of the
month so many people from this group came in, danced, sang and asked me to play requests.

Then from 2.30pm to 4.30pm Tony Ingeldow from Secklow 105.5 and I will be playing Christmas Music for the centre's members' tea.

I am going to broadcast the event into my facebook account via webcam.

If you go to that will take you to my Facebook account. Don't be shy - become a friend then you can join us via webcam.

Yes, Monday was a beautiful day in a beautiful world and a day shared with beautiful people.

I am going to sign off with something which I first heard at Freshers' Day in Oxford way back in 1971. These words have been special to me ever since. Please listen to them, particularly listen to the last phrase.

Bless you all.  Have a wonderful day. I am going to.

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