Wednesday 6 December 2017

An update on the subject of LOVE

Up early as usual - 3.46am. Got a lot to do !

I have to write the blog and I have to send an e-mail to Ronald McDonald House in Birmingham. I also have to see if I can find some help with a few areas.

NO, I am not being lazy I am being CLEVER. Let's put EVERYTHING into today's blog.

Here we go then..................

Dear Libby And ALL friends at Ronald McDonald House in Birmingham + today's blog readers + those who I hope will help me with an few bits and pieces..........................

I have just opened today's window on the OurRebekah Advent Calendar. Look who was inside today and what he is singing.

For the past three mornings I have been in West Bletchley Community Centre playing music as a THANK YOU to all the lovely people in all kinds of community groups using the centre who wrapped up gifts of love for SECRET SANTA

This was not part of my role with Radio Secklow 105.5 but I did broadcast the music into Facebook.  I am amazed at just how many people were listening.

There was SAM - Headmaster of The International School in Cairo Egypt.

There was PAUL - working away in his bakery producing delicious treats for his shops.

There was SCOTT - I promise  will come over in the New Year to look at all the vintage aircraft you have in The Shuttleworth Collection.

There was ANDY - those cannons are still banging in my ears !

There was RACHEL - thank you so much for all your incredible support and thank you to Hubby Dave.

There was ALEXA, there was MICHAEL, there was MAGGIE.....................

And there were many more - too many to here list. Actually there were so many Radio One called a special meeting of its senior management team to discuss its falling audience !

Those who I have named above are LEONITES.  Former students of Leon School in Milton Keynes.  It is twenty years since I was Head of Year in that school. I am so proud to be in contact with more than one hundred LEONITES who are now good friends. I am deeply humbled by the love and support you show to your old teacher. Thank you for listening.

QUEEN OF THE LEONITES is Daphne Capp, former Head of Music at Leon. Maureen and I took Daphne out for lunch yesterday. She smiled and giggled when I told her she was our Queen. What an incredible lady she it. At 89 years of age she too is in
contact with hundreds of former students. 

OK you solid gold LEIONITES - Sir is asking if you can help him with a few things.

SATURDAY 16th DECEMBER at Wrigglies Exotic Pets - Old Stratford I am playing music in The Secklow Radio Roadshow as part of this fantastic shop's birthday party. I am being assisted by three presenters from the radio and Mayor David Hopkins.

I need to start setting up the roadshow at 7.30am. I need help putting up the tent. Could anyone come along and give me a hand ?

Secklow Radio's presenter Tony Ingeldow need a left from The Hub in Central Milton Keynes to the roadshow. He needs picking up at 10am and later in the day he will need a lift home.

Could someone help me  by   giving him a lift ?  In the car you can tell him all the secrets of your former head of year and now The Geriatric DJ !  Maggie has already told the world about my blue and green shoes !

Tony tells me that Mayor David likes Bill Hayley singing SHAKE RATTLE AND ROLL so could I make sure it is in the playlist for the Roadshow.  I have downloaded it for the digital system BUT I have also been to e-bay where I have waved the Visa Card at two original 7" vinyl copies. One we can play on the traditional disco system and one Mayor David can take home with him.

This event at Wrigglies Exotic Pets is their birthday party. OurRebekah is providing the cakes and shop manager Ro making that part of the celebration, an event to support Ronald McDonald House in Birmingham.  I admire Ro so very much, you have to meet him to understand what I mean. Aged 23 Ro has a knowledge of animals and a passion which
surpasses David Attenborough. 

Ro was OurRebekah's STAR OF THE MONTH for September. Here he is being presented with his award by Mayor David.

All OurRebekah friends and supporters are welcome to come along on Saturday 16th. Be great to see you.

Yesterday while playing music in the community centre someone pushed £10 into my hand and said it was towards my costs of delivering the Secret Satna gifts to Ronald McDonald House. HOW KIND but I can not accept it. Libby and Nicola at Ronald McDonald HQ I have popped it into Just Giving for the Birmingham House.

Those gifts - so many of them - are being packed into my car and delivered to Birmingham on Monday 18th December. The plan for thee day can be found by......

There are so many, many gifts to deliver I need help. Santa URGENTLY needs TWO little helpers.

Can you help ?


MUSIC !  When I was taking Rebekah to and from hospital in Oxford she would say: "Dad, I don't mind if you play your music in the car."  Mind or not mind I was going to play it anyway !

I have found out a secret about Beck from Little Houghton Day Nursery where she used to work. Beck could not wait for Christmas Music to be played in the rooms for the children. 

The wonderful people at Little Houghton Day Nursery are having a raffle to support Ronald McDonald House in Birmingham AND they are having a Christmas Jumper Day. Rebekah would be so excited and touched by your kindness. THANK YOU.

Tomorrow I will be driving to Devon so will not be able to open the window on our Advent Calendar. I am, therefore, opening it now. As well as it being for all families in Ronald McDonald House let me here also play it for everyone at Little Houghton Day Nursery.

If any friends from Little Houghton want to come along to the party at Wrigglies on Saturday 16th December please wear your Christmas Jumpers - This is the address:

 Bears Watering Towcester Rd Milton Keynes MK19 6BD

It's next door to Hobby Fish farm.

Come along and I will play a dedication for you. I'll also twist Tony's arm to play a dedication for you on his Radio Show - TONY'S TIME TUNNEL.

I will not be wearing a Christmas jumper myself. I will be going along dressed as a HIPPIE !  Rachel, if I can find a pair of green and blue stacked heel shoes I will be wearing them ! 

Sod it !  Rachel they are not green and blue but I have waved the Visa card at Amazon again and just ordered these to wear at the Roadshow Party ! You wait 'til you see me wearing them !

LEONITE Rachel is a trustee of Bletchley Youth Centre. She co-opted me into helping with the centre's 50th celebrations in May. Secklow Radio Roadshow will be playing the music. The centre has so kindly wrapped OurRebekah and Ronald McDonald House Birmingham into the event on Saturday 7th April with money from the tickets going to the house. THANK YOU SO MUCH.

The boys from Sheffield Wednesday are playing away at Norwich City on Saturday. Gary Hooper, how many goals will you be scoring for Ronald McDonald House on Saturday ?

The goals that Gary and all of the Wednesday boys score are sponsored within BRUMMIE OWLS for Ronald McDonald House in good old Brum.

Sheffield Wednesday Football Club has been so kind to OurRebekah. I am proud and deeply touched by their kindness.  On Saturday 23rd December I will be at Hillsborough watching the game from the directors' area. We have to be there two hours before kick off. We have a special lunch served ahead of the game. More food at half-time and a post game tea !  Non-stop eating for five hours !

Here's the club's official photograph from the last time we were all at Hillsborough. That will be appearing in the programme on Saturday 23rd December together with a little write up Club Director Trevor asked me to put together.

I am not sure what Rebekah would make of all this. I think she would be embarrassed to have her name so prominent in so many areas.  I know what I make of it all -


And with that I'll sign off for today. There will not be a blog tomorrow as I will be heading down the M4 and M5 to Devon.  I'll be back on Saturday. Until then here's something for the boys at Hillsborough and for Ronald McDonald House in Birmingham

5.32am - BLOG FINISHED. Phew !

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