Thursday 28 December 2017

Record readership but ZERO support

Yesterday's blog ended up as the third most read page since I started writing a year ago.

CLICK HERE if you missed it.

Record readership but nobody coming forward to help within the areas I listed. Oh dear, what a shame - never mind !

Meet Sheffield Wednesday's latest fan. When I send my usual good luck message to the team ahead of tomorrow's game away to Brentford I will include that picture for the boys. On Monday I'll be back at Hillsborough cheering for victory against Burton Albion. Gary and I are back in the posh bit of the club again. I could get used to that kind of lifestyle.

OK let's play today's inspiring music to make your day go well.

Yesterday I was fighting off being stressed with everything I have to do for the coming Secklow Radio Roadshow on Saturday 6th January. I suggested to Maureen and Doiggie Jake that we get into the car and
drive to Stowe National Trust Gardens. We usually go there every week but did not make a single visit during December. Yesterday was one of the best visits we have ever made. Five miles wandering round the beautiful landscape created by Capability Brown was super. My camera went into overdrive.

I am writing the concluding chapter of my latest book THE BRIDGE HOUSE. I will let you into a secret...... Stowe features in that final chapter.

I will have the book finished well ahead of schedule for it to be published in May.

Making our way back to the car we bumped into Scott, a great friend and Operations Manager for The National Trust at Stowe. He's a great guy with whom I will be working this
year on projects both for OurRebekah and Secklow 105.5.

Did you know that The Serpentine in London is based on the meandering lake at Stowe ?  The water was high yesterday and showing off Lancelot Brown's genius to its maximum.

I overslept a bit this morning, did not get up until 4am. It's now 5am and I have a lot to do.

I had a bit of a dream in the hours before I got out of bed.I was thinking about what I should write when The Bridge House is finished.

I have decided I am going to take my book The Case Files of Dave McDermott and add at least another two cases.

There are three investigations in the present edition.

ANGELS OF THE ANTICHRIST is about a serial killer. McDermott tracks down the killer and finds he has sympathy for him and you will if you read the book.

McDERMOTT'S NEXT CASE is a kidnapping.

KRATH THE PORNSTAR has a character committing deeds at scenes where in years gone by crimes which have now become legends took place - Bridego Bridge and Deadman's Hill to name but two.

I have decided the next case for McDermott will be ROBIN HOOD. Yes the criminal, actually there will be two of them, rob from the rich to give to the poor. The criminals rob a bank and give the money to the homeless. They raid a gaming shop and spin the coins into Ronald McDonald House boxes in the fast food outlets. They break into parking meters in hospitals, steal the money then donate it to medical charities.

But back to today......

First thing I have a meeting at Asda Supermarket to finalise everything for the Secklow Radio Roadshow on Saturday 6th January.  I am nervous about this event, particularly as nobody came forward to offer help from yesterday's blog but I am certain it is going to be a great day.

Then I have a training session with the radio station's technical director. After this I am appearing as the guest on Classics From Scratch with Catherine Rose. Tune in at 3pm to
FM 105.5 and hear me talk about my favourite four pieces of classical music.

Catheine is a super presenter and a lovely lady. I am so looking forward to my time on her show.

Following Catherine's show I will be touching base with presenter Stuart Moore. He was a real star at the roadshow before Christmas and I know he will be a mega star on 6th January.

Then it's home again.

Maureen and I splashed out on a new TV, it's really cool. We don't watch a lot of TV but we will wind down our day in front of it.

But at 5.18 am it's not time to wind down - got to wind up the day. Let's play some music.

This is not one of my selections to play on Catherine's show. The piano duet is played here by two teenagers.

In my e-mail box this morning is a long message from Ronald McDonald House in San Francisco so let's play something for them.

Well I AM going to San Francisco and I am busy growing my hair. Flowers ? NOT A PROBLEM.

I will be playing this song at the roadshow on Saturday 6th January. I have a wig to wear and I have heard that Asda sell flowers.

Have a fantastic day. I plan to.

Speak again tomorrow.

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