Wednesday 13 December 2017

Mission accomplished NOW FOR TODAY

Did you listen to The Geriatric DJ to the radio yesterday ?  What do you think of the jumper ?

More of that in a moment.

A report shortly on yesterday's mission and let me tell you about today.

But before that let's open today's window on the OurRebekah Advent Calendar.

I want today to dedicate the song to Beth who is part of the team at Ronald McDonald House in Birmingham.

Beth is a wonderful young lady who has given so much to the biggest Ronald McDonald House in the country. Friday is Beth's last day in The Mansion of Love, she starts a new job after Christmas.  Beth I will miss working with you and wish you all the very best for the future. THANK YOU for all the support you have given to me and OurRebekah, all the very,
very best for the future.

Yesterday's mission to deliver gifts to the renal department in Milton Keynes Hospital was successfully accomplished. The blog entry praising the hospital was well received, we had 270 readers.

If you missed the blog CLICK HERE and have a read.  The hospital Tweeted the blog. I spoke with one of its senior Managers, in the New Year we will chat about how we can take Radio Secklow 105.5 into the hospital and have a bit of fun.

I was in the studio yesterday afternoon as Tony Ingeldow broadcast his Afternoon Delight programme. Tony and I chatted about the Secklow Radio Roadshow event this coming Saturday.

As soon as Technical Director, Mick, has the show uploaded to the demand area of the website I will let you know and, if you missed it live yesterday, you can catch up.

So today's mission will see me pointing the car towards Oxford and The Churchill Hospital where I will be taking Christmas gifts to the renal ward and to the transplant unit. Returning back to Milton Keynes I will pop into Whaddon Medical Centre with a few Christmas goodies for the team there.

I love our NHS, I am proud of our NHS, I can not thank staff throughout its entire operation enough for the love given over thirty plus years to my family. I will NEVER stop shouting my mouth off in praise of the work done.

It's now 3.52am, I'll be leaving for Oxford at about half past six. I want to deliver the gifts quickly ahead of most staff arriving so not making a fuss or disrupting their work. I should be back home by half past ten.

I then have the display boards to finish for Saturday's Secklow Radio Roadshow, the power generator to check over and gifts for The Mayor, our guest DJ, to wrap and I am almost finished.

There are a few things left on Morrisson's Supermarket shelves to pick off then we are ready to go.

The weather for Saturday is looking good. My oldest son is Managing Lawyer for The Environment Agency. THANKS PETE for fixing that !

If you missed The Geriatric DJ on the radio yesterday let me tell you all about Saturday.

The Secklow Radio Roadshow will be at Wrigglies Exotic Pets in Old Stratford Milton Keynes playing music and having fun from 8.30am to 5.30pm.

Head North along the A5 from Milton Keynes, cross the big roundabout and head towards Towcester. Look for the blue sign on the left for HOBBY FISH FARM, turn into the car park and there you will find Wrigglies Exotic Pets.

Set your sat nav to MK19 6BD

Just listen and follow the music.

This utterly amazing shop is celebrating its third birthday. OurRebekah is providing the birthday cakes and manager Ro is setting the day to support Ronald McDonald House in Birmingham. Children from all over the country come to Birmingham for specialist treatment in its Childrens' Hospital

Ronald McDonald House keeps families together, placing a loving arm around their shoulders and providing a home from home.

As we party on Saturday the house will be taking care of sixty-four families. Throughout the day we will be playing music and making dedications to the staff, families and children.

In the New Year I want to take the roadshow up to Brum and have a party in The Mansion of Love.

Mayor David Hopkins will be our guest DJ spinning discs from 11am to half past.

The Geriatric DJ will start the party then hand over to Secklow presenters Tony Ingeldow, Stuart Moore and Catherine Rose before taking the microphone again to bring the party to an end.

So are you coming along ?


We have some fun things happening.

We have an animal and music quiz with fifty questions for you to answer. How many will you be able to manage on your own and how many will you need the help of Mr Google ?

We have three FREE prize draws to win a Santa Teddy, A Pink Elephant and a retro vinyl single made into a clock.
We have a smiling football we want you to autograph. I will then take that to Ronald McDonald House in Birmingham when I deliver all of the lovely Secret Santa gifts so many wonderful friends have given for the families. That is happening on Monday.

When  I take over the microphone towards the end of the party I will be playing two special songs.

At three o'clock our close friends at Sheffield Wednesday FC kick off  at Hillsborough against top of the table Wolves. 

On Saturday 23rd December I will be at Hillsborough and watching that game from the directors box. I have already taken Secklow Radio to Hillsborough and have a cunning plan for next season.

Sheffield Wednesday FC has been incredibly supportive through OurRebekah and its Brummie Owls project to support Ronald McDonald House in Birmingham.

Let me play you something from the day I took Tony and a group of people to Hillsborough a few weeks back.

Tony will be playing the music again on Saturday.

I will play it again once the boys have kicked off and will keep everyone updated with the score. YES, Club Director Trevor I WILL be wearing my Wednesday scarf at that point.

I have written something which will be appearing in the match-day programme on 23rd December telling of that Secklow 105.5 visit to Hillsborough.

Yes, I am a bit of a writer, I have been writing and publishing books since I was a young man. I am currently bringing my latest book THE BRIDGE HOUSE to an end. When it is published i May next year all royalties will be given to Ronald McDonald House in Birmingham.  There is a lot of music in the book including this.

I will be playing The Lambeth Walk and asking people to dance. There is a special prize for the person who dances this wartime favourite with the most enthusiasm.

OK it's just coming up to five o'clock. Time to check what I have written and edit out the typo's. However, I do like to leave one or two in for those who take delight in finding them. But before I publish the blog let me play something I will be spinning on vinyl this Saturday. Shop Manager Ro has asked us to play lots of animal music. Ro, is a Womble an animal ?

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